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Support 1a

    Unfortunately some controls do not expose the font property – the checkbox is one of them. All controls will have the font property (and many others) exposed in the next release of Formativ. No release dates are currently available.

    In the meantime, here’s some sample code that shows how to use the font property with a panel control.

    Advansys Support

    dim iDlg
      dim iCkCtl
      dim iPnCtl
      set iDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog
      ' Check box control  
      set iCkCtl = iDlg.AddCheckBoxControl                 
      ' Panel control  
      set iPnCtl = iDlg.AddPanelControl 
      with iPnCtl
        .Font.Style = ffsBold
        .Font.Color = fclMaroon
        .Alignment = ftaLeftJustify
        .Left = 20
        .AutoSpace = FALSE
        .SpaceAbove = -15
        .Caption = "Show All"
      end with
      ' Execute the dialog
      set iPnCtl = nothing
      set iCkCtl = nothing
      set iDlg = nothing