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    Originally posted by Support 1:
    Here is an example of a Form that displays a check list box populated with Address Book entries. Right mouse click the link and choose ‘save link as’ (saving to your local applets folder).


    I hope this helps.

    Advansys Support

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you for this applet.
    I have still some troubles.
    If i run this applet again the applet crashes.
    A error window is displayed “Sorry, the applet could not be executed – Access violation at address 7C92888F in module ‘ntdll.dll’. Read of address 0279C9F8.

    After this error occurs i have to close and restart GroupWise completly.

    How can this crash be avoided?

    PS. if i create a Form of my own the applet does not work.
    I tried to run this applet with a form created by myself with a single button and a checklistbox.

    If i run the applet a runtime error occurs.

    “Laufzeitfehler in Formativ Applet
    H:datenAdvansysFormativLocal!GW Checklistbox.vbf
    Das Objekt unterstützt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht.: ‘MainDlg.clBooks.ItemsChecked’ at line 32, column 3″

    where is the difference ?

    Thanks for help

    best regards Manfred