/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Create Folder and Copy Current Item / Reply To: Create Folder and Copy Current Item
June 10, 2003 at 9:19 am
Try this code:
const IDS_MAIN_FOLDER = "People" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main-Line processing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim iMsg dim iFolder on error resume next Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage ' Do we have a message selected? if not isobject(iMsg) then call msgbox("Please select a message to proceed.", vbInformation, "Message Management") exit sub end if ' Create the destination folder set iFolder = CreateFolder(GetDisplayName(iMsg.FromText)) ' Make sure we have the folder if iFolder is nothing then exit sub end if ' Move the message from the current folder into the destination folder's messages collection call Client.ClientState.SelectedFolder.messages.move(iMsg.MessageID, iFolder.Messages) set iMsg = nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create the sub folders of the People folder '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateFolder(aName) set CreateFolder = nothing if (len(aName) = 0) then exit function end if dim iFolder dim iMainFolder ' Create the main 'People' folder set iMainFolder = CreateMainFolder() if iMainFolder is nothing then exit function end if ' Create the sub folders under the 'People' folder on error resume next set iFolder = iMainFolder.folders.ItemByName(aName) if iFolder is nothing then set iFolder = iMainFolder.folders.add(aName) end if set CreateFolder = iFolder set iFolder = nothing set iMainFolder = nothing end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create the 'people' folder which is off the root '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateMainFolder() dim iFolder dim iRootFolders groupwise.account.refresh set iRootFolders = groupwise.account.RootFolder.folders on error resume next set iFolder = iRootFolders.ItemByName(IDS_MAIN_FOLDER) if iFolder is nothing then set iFolder = iRootFolders.add(IDS_MAIN_FOLDER) end if set CreateMainFolder = iFolder set iFolder = nothing set iRootFolders = nothing end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the sender's display name '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDisplayName(aName) Dim iPos dim iText aName = trim(aName) iPos = Instr(1, aName, "<", 1) if (iPos > 0) then iText = trim(mid(aName, 1, iPos -1)) if (len(iText) = 0) then aName = mid(aName, iPos + 1) else aName = iText end if end if iPos = Instr(1, aName, ">", 1) if (iPos > 0) then aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1) end if iPos = Instr(1, aName, "@", 1) if (iPos > 0) then aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1) end if aName = replace(aName, """", "") aName = replace(aName, ".", " ") aName = replace(aName, "/", "") aName = replace(aName, "", "") aName = replace(aName, "'", "") aName = replace(aName, "*", "") aName = replace(aName, ">", "") aName = replace(aName, "<", "") GetDisplayName = trim(aName) End Function
Most of these objects are native Object API. Have a look at the Novell GroupWise Object API documentation, which is linked from the drop down help menu within the Formativ development environment.