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    Thank you for your enquiry.

    An OCX is a COM component/object, which must be used in the same way with any scripting language. The component’s ProgID is used to create an instance; eg. if your OCX is “AllenKey”, implemented in the file AcmeTools.OCX, the ProgId might be “AcmeTools.AllenKey”.

    Here is a sample VBScript function to create and return an instance of the Microsoft Word Application object:

    function OpenWord
      dim iName
      dim oDoc
      dim oResult
      ' GetObject (below) will raise an error if Word is not running,
      ' so suppress normal error handling.
      on error resume next
      ' Initialize oResult so we have a value to compare later.
      set oResult = nothing
      ' Attempt to reference a running Word instance.
      set oResult = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
      if Err.Number <> 0 then
        call Err.Clear
      end if
      if oResult is nothing then
        ' Create an instance of the Word application.
        set oResult = CreateObject("Word.Application")
      end if
      set OpenWord = oResult
    end function

    I hope this helps you.

    Advansys Support