

    I write custom solutions which no longer work with GW2012. We are using xml-Code to send Data and to show Input Forms. In GW2012, the form will not be shown. Only the xml-Mail is viaible. In GW 8 and before, the code works well. I’have this code to show up the form:

    ‘No Trigger – we create a new NewUser-Dialog
    case “NULL”

    ‘someone opens the message – the UI will be recreated
    case “GW#C#OPEN”
    set oClient = Client
    set iMsg = oClient.ClientState.CommandMessage



    The Case “Null” is working, but the recreation of the UI fails.

    This is a part of the function “OpenNewUserMsg”:

    ‘ Show the NewUser Dialog with the parameter filled in by the customer
    Sub OpenNewUserMsg(Client)

    Dim iDom
    dim iDoc
    dim erg
    dim iMsg

    on Error Resume Next

    set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

    if iMsg is Nothing then
    Exit Sub
    end if

    ‘Create a XML Document
    set iDom = Utilities.XMLDom
    set iDoc = iDom.Document
    set iDoc.async = “false”

    ‘Load the xml string in to xml Document

    ‘Load the Nodes into the appriopriate fields on the form
    NewUser.NUNachname.Text =iDoc.getElementsbyTagName(“Nachname”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUVorname.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Vorname”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUAbteilung.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Abteilung”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUEintritt.Date = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Eintritt”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUNetzwerk.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Netzwerk”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUTextverarbeitung.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Textverarbeitung”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUExcel.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Excel”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUSonstiges.Text = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Sonstiges”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUAS400.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“AS400”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUProfid.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Profid”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUOntime.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Ontime”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUFinanz.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Finanz”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUCompas.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Compas”).item(0).text
    NewUser.NUP400.Checked = iDoc.getElementsByTagName(“P400”).item(0).text


    I think, there is a problem with GW2012, Formativ and XML.

    Have you any ideas?


    Rolf Ziegler

    Originally posted by Support 2:
    Hi Rolf,

    Thanks for your message. Yes, there is a plan. Unfortunately, for a range of reasons, the project timeline has extended well beyond our expectations. The release of our Advansys RecollX for Skype product in the next two weeks will enable us to diversify into a growing market, which in turn will help us to continue servicing the changing GroupWise market.

    …because our Formativ Workflows do not run on GW 2012

    Could you please provide more details on what you mean by Formativ Workflows? Have you written custom solutions which no longer work? What type of problems are you experiencing?

    Kind Regards,

    Advansys Support