/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Accessing attachments / Reply To: Accessing attachments
July 2, 2002 at 5:11 pm
The following sample code which will display the composing message’s attachment name(s) in a message box. It will also allow you to save an attachment but you will need to uncomment the ItemAttachmentSaveAs ‘save’ code and provide the target file name (this code would have to be updated to handle multiple filenames and check whether the file already exists).
dim iMsgID
dim iAttachCounter
Const CAPTION = "Formativ Business Solutions"
' Get the composing message ID through TOKEN
iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
' Make sure we have a composing message selected
if (iMsgID = "X00") then
iAttachCounter = GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetCount(iMsgID)
' Does the message have any attachments?
if (iAttachCounter > 0) then
' Loop through attachments to get the names
for x = 0 to (iAttachCounter -1)
call msgbox (GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetName(iMsgID, x), vbInformation, CAPTION)
' To save the attachment(s), you need to provide the file name(s) and have to check whether
' the file already exists
'call GroupWise.ItemAttachmentSaveAs(iMsgID, x, "c:test.txt")
call msgbox("No attachments found.", vbInformation, CAPTION)
end if
call msgbox("Select a composing message to display the attachment names.", vbInformation, CAPTION)
end if
Hope this helps.
Advansys Support