/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / eDirectory/NDS Management / Windows 2003 + Formativ Studio / Reply To: Windows 2003 + Formativ Studio
When you run Formativ Studio (from GW client on the Win2K3 server), in the bottom left hand side of the Formativ Studio dialog, does it show Administratory Mode (your email address)?
I presume you configured the FormativAdministrator Role object with the appropriate rights etc., as shown in the eDirectory Quick Start section of the Formativ Studio Guide?
Presumably you are logged into eDirectory as the correct user (associated with the Formativ Configuration object, AdvansysFvConfig, which should be configured via ConsoleOne to point to a Formativ Applet Library – AdvansysFvScripLib) with appropriate rights?
Can you please send the Formativ Configuration information to support@advansyscorp.com. You can obtain the configuration by selecting Help | About Formativ… from the GroupWise main menu. When the About Formativ dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard. Then paste the text into your reply email (or save it to a plain-text file and include it as an attachment).
Advansys Support