Support 1a

    Hello Ralf,

    You can do this by integrating your applet with the ‘On ItemReplyOpenItem’ event associated with the GroupWise application (not email). Your applet need to look at the first parameter associated with this command, as it tells you what type of reply the user is attempting. The possible values are:

    All = 7
    AllPrivate = 39
    Sender = 1
    SenderPrivate = 33
    Discussion = 16
    DiscussionNNTP = 144
    DiscussionORIG = 256

    If the value was 7 (All) you would then cancel the command. Here’s some sample code:

    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
       if EventParams.Item(0).Value = 7 then     ' 7 = Reply to all
         MsgBox "You cannot reply to all."
         Groupwise.CancelGroupWiseEvent = true
       end if
    End Sub

    See http://developer.novell.com/ndk/doc/gwtoken/gwtokens/data/ag3n400.html for more information.

    I hope this helps.

    Advansys Support