/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / Organizing Code with Classes / Reply To: Organizing Code with Classes

Support 3

    As you probably know, in VBS, you can create Class to defines an object, its properties and methods to control the object’s behavior. Please see the Visual Basic Script Guide for more information. You can access the guide from the Formativ Help menu.

    The example code below create a class when then Applet start. The class object is destroyed at the end so you can use it in throughout the Applet (i.e. Form events, etc).

    dim gMyClass
    ' Main line processing
    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
      set gMyClass = new CMyClass
      msgbox "Inside Main sub: " & gMyClass.DateTime
      msgbox "Inside Main sub: " & gMyClass.DateTime
      set gMyClass = nothing
    End Sub
    ' Description about my class
    class CMyClass
      private iDateTime
      ' Constructor
      private sub class_initialize
        iDateTime =  now
      end sub
      ' Destructor
      private sub class_terminate
      end sub
      ' Update date time
      public sub UpdateDateTime()
        iDateTime =  now
      end sub
      public property get DateTime()
        DateTime = iDateTime
      end property
      public property let DateTime(aVal)
        iDateTime = aVal
      end property
    end class
    ' On button click in the form
    Sub MyDialogButton1Click(Sender)
      msgbox "on button click: " & gMyClass.DateTime
      msgbox "on button click: " & gMyClass.DateTime
    End Sub

    Hope I haven’t misunderstood your enquiry.

    Advansys Support