
    After playing around for some time, I have found the error by my self 😉
    It seems to be an error in the OBJAPI of GW6.5 SP1 !?
    It’s not possible to access the per-defined categories,
    but user-defined will work fine.

    If you select a message with a pre-defined categorie and start the
    following applet you will get an error in line 13. If you set an
    user-defined categorie everything works fine.
    Also, if you set a pre-defined AND a user-defined categorie, the
    count of categories will not be correct. !?

    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

    Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

    ‘- how many categories are set?
    iCntCat = Msg.Categories.Count
    msgbox (“#Categories: ” & iCntCat)

    ‘- only read categories if there is one set
    If iCntCat > 0 Then

    ‘- rad out the 1st category:
    set oAppCat = Msg.Categories.Item(1)

    ‘- get the name of that category:
    sAppCat = oAppCat.Name

    MsgBox sAppCat
    End If

    End Sub