
    I eventually solved this using a search on the address book. Maybe not as nice as GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName(), but it’s an alternative.

    Set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
    ' Find out how many items are selected in GroupWise
    iCount = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Count
    ' If any are selected, access each one
    If iCount > 0 Then
        For x = 1 To iCount
            ' Get the currently selected message
            Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Item(x)
            strEmailAddress = iMsg.Sender.EmailAddress
            Set oEntries = nothing
            Set oEntries = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find("(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS """ & strEmailAddress & """)")
            iText = ""
            For each oEntry in oEntries
                Set oFields = oEntry.Fields
                For each oField in oFields
                    iText = iText & "Name: " & oField.Name & ", Value: " & oField.Value & CRLF
                    If oField.Name = "Name" Then
                        strDisplayName = oField.Value
                    End If
            If iText = "" then
                ' Send the email by calling the send method
                ' (more code goes here)
                call MsgBox( strDisplayName & " is in GroupWise - you can't tag internal user mail as spam.", 64, CAPTION )
            End If
            set iMsg = nothing
    End If