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Support 3

    In order to access the login user’s DisplayName, EmailAddress, etc properties, you will need to use the “GroupWise.account.owner” to access the Address object. See the Object API for for information: http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html

    To access the address book entry properties (i.e. department, address, etc), you will need to access the AddressBookEntry object. See the sample code below which pass the Address object to access the AddressBookEntry object then it iterate the available fields.

      dim owner
      dim oABEntry
      dim oAddressBook
      ' Get the system address book
      set oAddressBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
      ' Get the login user address object
      set owner = GroupWise.account.owner
      msgbox owner.displayname
      ' Get the address book entry object which contains more properties (i.e. fields)
      set oABEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.item(owner)
      ' Iterate available fields of the address book entry
      for each oField in oABEntry.Fields
        msgbox "Field name: " & oField.name & vbcrlf & "Field value: " & oField.value
      set oABEntry = nothing
      set owner = nothing
      set oAddressBook = nothing

    Advansys Support