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I think I am being unclear. I never tested studio on a 2nd PC. I only tested with runtime on a 2nd PC. Runtime has always worked. When I replaced the installation of studio on my PC with runtime the problem stopped occuring there as well. I only saw the problem when I had studio installed on my PC
At this point the problem is no longer occuring on my PC even with studio installed. I don’t know what fixed it. I will list my changes for your benefit. The first change was to add another portal. The second change was to replace the first code block below with the second. Thanks for your help!
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim oPortal
set oPortal = groupwise.PortalManager.Portals.add
oPortal.ID = “GroupWise Help”
oPortal.Caption = “Keynet”
oPortal.URL = “http://keynet.xxx.com/HOME/TechTips/GroupWiseHelp/index.asp”
set oPortal = nothing
End Sub
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim oPortal
dim oPortals
set oPortals = GroupWise.PortalManager.Portals
set oPortal = oPortals.Item(“KEYnet”)
if oPortal is nothing Then
set oPortal = oPortals.Add
oPortal.Caption = “KEYnet GroupWise Help”
oPortal.TabCaption = “KEYnet”
oPortal.ID = “KEYnet”
oPortal.NavigationControlsEnabled = true
oPortal.URLInputEnabled = false
end If
oPortal.Url = “http://keynet.bkd.com/HOME/TechTips/GroupWiseHelp/index.asp”
oPortals.ActivePortal = oPortal.ID
set oPortal = nothing
set oPortals = nothing
End Sub