/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / HTML emails not displaying correctly on forward or reply / Reply To: HTML emails not displaying correctly on forward or reply
Hello again,
I have tried several times to attach a Mime.822 file to an email using the following method:
call newMail.attachments.add(utilities.TempFiles & “Mime.822”, fgwFile, “Mime.822”)
I have successfully attached the file to the outgoing email but the content of the Mime file does not end up in the body of the email.
Is this the correct method to use or have I made a mistake in some spelling or something?
The Mime file is structured properly and if saved with a .eml extension, it opens up with the correct views, as I would expect to see it.
I can not seem to find much documentation on the use of Mime files in this way.
Guidence with this would be appreciated.