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    A little more progress

    I have rewritten the SendMail function and am now able to get it to send emails from the specific user. The problem I am now having is actually attaching the emails to this new mail. The new SendMail function is below. The problem lies within the for statement. I am unsure what the command/syntax is to attach the mails to this new email. I have tried both methods which are commented out without success.



    function SendMail

    dim MyArray
    dim objMail
    dim objNewMail
    dim objRecipient
    dim objAttachments

    ‘ Create a draft mail message with no user interface
    Set objMail = iAccount.MailBox.Messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.MAIL”, fgwDraft)
    Set objRecipient = objMail.Recipients.Add(MANAGER,,0)
    With objMail
    .Priority = fgwNormal
    .Subject = “Unopened Messages within 2 hour period”
    .BodyText.PlainText = HRT&HRT&HRT&”Forwarded Messages from : “&(iAccount.Owner)&HRT&HRT&”The attached messages have not been opened within the 2 hour period”
    End With
    for x = 0 to (StringList.Count -1)
    MyArray = Split(StringList.Strings(x), ” !! “, -1, 1)
    ‘call objMail.Attachment.Add(MyArray(3)) ‘
    ‘call objMail.AttachmentAddEncapsulatedItem(MyArray(3))
    Set objNewMail = objMail.Send
    Set objRecipient = Nothing
    Set objMail = Nothing

    end function