
    You can access the Home Address value from the address book entries fields collection. The code below shows available fields and the value of an address book entry.

    dim oBook
    dim oEntry
    dim oField

    set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Test”)

    set oEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1)

    for each oField in oEntry.Fields
    msgbox oField.name & vbcrlf & oField.value

    set oEntry = nothing
    set oBook = nothing

    If you know the name of the field then you can also obtain the value using the Item() method of an address book entry. See the Object API AddressBookEntry object for more information.

    dim oBook
    dim oEntry
    dim oField

    set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Test”)

    set oEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1)

    set oField = oEntry.Fields.Item(“Home Address”, fgwString)
    msgbox oField.Name & vbcrlf & oField.Value

    set oEntry = nothing
    set oBook = nothing

    Hope this helps.