/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / High memory with Formativ version 2 and Grpwise client 6.5.4 High memory on pc / Reply To: High memory with Formativ version 2 and Grpwise client 6.5.4 High memory on pc

Support 1a

    Thank you for your question.

    We are not aware of any inherent problems in this area. To provide a meaningful reply, could you please provide more information about what you are seeing? For example (and the following is not exhaustive):

    – We would need to see your config information for full version details, etc. From the main GroupWise menu, select Help | About Formativ. When the about box appears, select the configuration tab, then press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button. Paste the contents of the clipboard into a message to support@advansyscorp.com.

    – How are you determining message usage levels on these machines?

    – How does memory use compare to other machines running Formativ?

    – Does the memory usuage reduce when GroupWise is shut down?

    – Have you always noticed this, or is this a new observation? If new, what has changed on these computers?

    – Does the increase in memory usage appear to be linked to a specific applet?

    – Does memory use increase when GroupWise is started, or do you have to run an applet to see it increase?

    – Does memory use remain low if you disable Formativ via the control panel?

    Kind regards,

    Advansys Support