/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Extra text when using stationary

  • Creator
  • #4690

      HI I’ve just purchased and installed stationary, however when I use it right at the bottom I also get whatever text I have last copied and pasted

      how do I stop this from happening?

      many thanks


    • Author
    • #8765
      Support 2

        That certainly should not happen. What version of the GroupWise client are you running?

        So we don’t assume anything, can you describe the exact steps you are taking to create the message when this problem occurs?

        It may be also a good idea to send us the Formativ configuration information by selecting the GroupWise client’s Help menu, select About Formativ, select the Configuration tab and use the Copy to Clipboard button, then paste the config info into an email to support@advansyscorp.com.


        Advansys Support


          groupwise client is 6.5.0.

          I click the stationary button, choose the one I want and press OK.

          I then get a new mail window with my stationary and tacked onto the end whatever I last did ‘ctrl C’ on.

          I will send the config over.


          Support 1a

            Thanks for the config. We are looking into this now.

            Advansys Support

            Support 1a

              Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the problem. We tried with the latest version of stationery available from the downloads page. Could you please try installing the latest version and see if the problem persists?

              Advansys Support


                groupwise client as stated is 6.5.0
                stationary version is 2.0.19
                smartfields is version 1.0.0

                installed on another machine here and that does the same thing – I need to roll this out this week so I need some help please!!



                  also thought it might be worth mentioning that we are running win XP as our OS.


                  Support 1a

                    Could you please detail the exact steps you are performing to test this, including how/when you copy data to the clipboard? We’ll be able to fix it if we can reproduce it.

                    Advansys Support


                      for the purposes of this lets assume I have been working in word on a document and have been copying and pasting text from another source (word, excel etc) now it dosne’t matter how I copy the text (CTRL +C, right click and copy, or file edit copy) I have tried it all ways with the corresponding paste command. This text stays in the clipboard.

                      when the stationary app is run whatever text was last copied is appended to the end of the template. This is the same if the default stationary is automatically used (no selection dialouge) or if you choose from the list of available templates.

                      if watching the clipbaord viewers (clipbrd.exe)you can see the stationary come into and out of the clipboard as the app runs, but the original content stays in.


                      Support 2

                        Hi Simon,

                        Upon review, the problem is very likely due to using the GW Client 6.5.0. As a ‘.0’ release, it had some serious issues we had to try and work around. Upon review of the code, the work-around had to use some clipboard functions and probably explains the problem you are seeing.

                        As 6.5.5 has just been released, I recommend that you use the latest client software. It will very likely solve your problem and a number of other client issues too.


                        Advansys Support

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