/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Message Reference from Reply

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  • #4378

      How do I get the message reference to a newly replied to message created by Groupwise in Formativ?

      I understand it is a “draft” message not yet stored and therefore must be saved somehow before I can manipulate it (such as add custom fields to the message.)

      I’ve tried

      Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

      but this always returns the original message which is usually still selected in the list view.

      Can anyone help on the proper command or series of commands?

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    • #7996

        I found this code, but it does not work also. I get “X00” as the ID during the while loop.

          dim oMsg
          dim iMsgID
          dim iWIPPath
          Dim iBreakCount
          ' Save the draft message to the Work in Progress folder
          iWIPPath = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName & "" & GroupWise.Account.WorkFolder.Name
          Utilities.Trace "iWIPPath=" & iWIPPath
          ' Calling ItemMessageIDFromView immediately after GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft
          ' can result in an X00 ID.
          iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
          iBreakCount = 0
          while (iMsgID = "Token failed execution!") or (iMsgID = "X00")
             iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
             iBreakCount = iBreakCount + 1
             Utilities.Trace iBreakCount & ": " & iMsgID
             if (iBreakCount > 10) then
               exit sub
             end if
          set oMsg = GroupWise.Account.GetMessage(iMsgID)
        Support 3

          GroupWise 7 client contains a localized word ‘Home’ after the account name. You will need to modify the code to add the localized ‘Home’ word after the account name. See the code below:

            dim oMsg
            dim iMsgID
            dim iWIPPath
            Dim iBreakCount
            ' GroupWise 7+ onwards contains a localized word 'Home' after the account name.
            ' You will need to add the localized 'Home' after the name
            if (groupwise.EnvVersionName > "7") then
              iWIPPath = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName & " Home" & GroupWise.Account.WorkFolder.Name
              iWIPPath = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName & "" & GroupWise.Account.WorkFolder.Name
            end if
           ' Save the draft message to the Work in Progress folder
            Utilities.Trace "iWIPPath=" & iWIPPath
            ' Calling ItemMessageIDFromView immediately after GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft
            ' can result in an X00 ID.
            iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
            iBreakCount = 0
            while (iMsgID = "Token failed execution!") or (iMsgID = "X00")
               iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
               iBreakCount = iBreakCount + 1
               Utilities.Trace iBreakCount & ": " & iMsgID
               if (iBreakCount > 10) then
                 exit sub
               end if
            set oMsg = GroupWise.Account.GetMessage(iMsgID)
            msgbox oMsg.subject.plaintext

          Hope this helps.

          Advansys Support


            You are right, I am using GW 7. But, I get the string “7.0.2 HP” for the EnvVersionName so that the following code returns FALSE for me.

            (GroupWise.EnvVersionName > "7")

            I had to modify it to make it thusly:

              (Cint(Left(GroupWise.EnvVersionName,1))) >= 7)

            However, I then had to deal with the fact that the “Work In Progress” folder was in another folder. So I used the code above combined the “GetWIPFolderPath” function found elsewhere on these forums for that.

            But then… I figured out that you need to modify the draft message before it can be saved so I used this code:

            Call Groupwise.ItemSetText("X00", itfSubject, " COMPLETED", TRUE)  

            Now the message is saved in the “Work In Progress” folder. Yeah!

            But alas, I still get an “X00” message ID for all the iterations. What else am I missing? Is some sort of “refresh” needed?

            Support 3

              Does the messages saved to the folder? You can use the Groupwise.ThrowToken() method to call the native Token(), alternative you can use our Token wrapper. See the Formativ Language Guide for more information. The code below execute the ItemSaveMessageDraft() token and return boolean value which indicate the token execution.

                msgbox Groupwise.throwtoken("ItemSaveMessageDraft(""" & iWIPPath & """)", iReturnVal)     

              Could you also post the updated source so that we have review.

              Advansys support


                I just reviewed again the thread on this forum about this problem and I’ve decided to tackle it in a different manner as there appears to be no resolution to the “custom field in a draft message” problem.

                Too bad, as I was trying to avoid having to re-create an e-mail form just to send a reply with some data attached to a custom field.

                There was a suggestion to put the data in the body of the message at the bottom, which I might consider, but does not seem as clean.


                  For the record, here is the code I was working with. The result is a still “X00” during the iterations.

                   Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                  dim iWIPFolderPath
                    dim oMsg
                    dim iMsgID
                    dim iWIPPath
                    Dim iBreakCount
                   ' Save the draft message to the Work in Progress folder
                    Call Groupwise.ItemSetText("X00", itfSubject, " COMPLETED", TRUE) ' TRUE = Append
                    Utilities.Trace "iWIPPath=" & iWIPPath
                    Call Groupwise.throwtoken("ItemSaveMessageDraft(""" & iWIPPath & """)", iReturnVal)
                    MsgBox "ItemSaveMessageDraft returns " & iReturnVal
                    ' Calling ItemMessageIDFromView immediately after GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft
                    ' can result in an X00 ID.
                    iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                    iBreakCount = 0
                    while (iMsgID = "Token failed execution!") or (iMsgID = "X00")
                       iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                       iBreakCount = iBreakCount + 1
                       Utilities.Trace iBreakCount & ": " & iMsgID
                       if (iBreakCount > 10) then
                         exit sub
                       end if
                    set oMsg = GroupWise.Account.GetMessage(iMsgID)
                    msgbox oMsg.subject.plaintext
                  End Sub
                  ' Get full path of the Work-In-Progress folder where Drafts are saved
                  Function GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder, byref aPath)
                    Dim sHome
                    sHome = ""
                    Utilities.Trace "aGWFolder.Name=" & aGWFolder.Name & " aPath=" & aPath
                    If (Cint(Left(GroupWise.EnvVersionName,1)) >= 7) Then
                      If aGWFolder.Name = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName Then
                        sHome = " Home"
                      End If
                    End If
                    If aGWFolder Is Nothing Then
                      Exit Function
                    End If
                    If (aPath <> "") Then
                      aPath = aGWFolder.name & sHome & "" & aPath
                      aPath = aGWFolder.name
                    End If
                    If (aGWFolder.objtype = fgwRoot) Then
                      Exit Function
                      Call GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder.ParentFolder, aPath)
                    End if
                  End Function 
                  Support 3

                    Your code review shows that you did not call the GetWIPFolderPath from the main subroutine prior to save the message. The following code works fine in our environment. Let us know if we missed anything…

                    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                      dim iWIPFolderPath
                      dim oMsg
                      dim iMsgID
                      dim iWIPPath
                      Dim iBreakCount
                     ' Save the draft message to the Work in Progress folder
                      Call Groupwise.ItemSetText("X00", itfSubject, " COMPLETED", TRUE) ' TRUE = Append
                      call GetWIPFolderPath(groupwise.account.workfolder, iWIPPath)
                      msgbox "Work In Progress folder path: " & iWIPPath
                      Call Groupwise.throwtoken("ItemSaveMessageDraft(""" & iWIPPath & """)", iReturnVal)
                      ' Calling ItemMessageIDFromView immediately after GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft
                      ' can result in an X00 ID.
                      iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                      iBreakCount = 0
                      while (iMsgID = "Token failed execution!") or (iMsgID = "X00")
                         iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                         iBreakCount = iBreakCount + 1
                         Utilities.Trace iBreakCount & ": " & iMsgID
                         if (iBreakCount > 10) then
                           exit sub
                         end if
                      set oMsg = GroupWise.Account.GetMessage(iMsgID)
                      msgbox "Subject: " & oMsg.subject.plaintext
                    End Sub
                    ' Get full path of the Work-In-Progress folder where Drafts are saved
                    Function GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder, byref aPath)
                      Dim sHome
                      sHome = ""
                      Utilities.Trace "aGWFolder.Name=" & aGWFolder.Name & " aPath=" & aPath
                      If (Cint(Left(GroupWise.EnvVersionName,1)) >= 7) Then
                        If aGWFolder.Name = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName Then
                          sHome = " Home"
                        End If
                      End If
                      If aGWFolder Is Nothing Then
                        Exit Function
                      End If
                      If (aPath <> "") Then
                        aPath = aGWFolder.name & sHome & "" & aPath
                        aPath = aGWFolder.name
                      End If
                      If (aGWFolder.objtype = fgwRoot) Then
                        Exit Function
                        Call GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder.ParentFolder, aPath)
                      End if
                    End Function  

                    BTW, you can use the custom fields to store data or insert the data to the message body. If the data is sensitive then you can consider to encrypt and decrypt at the other end by your solution.

                    Most probably in GroupWise 8 (Bonsai) will have the X-Fields where you can add additional data and viewable by other non GroupWise clients.

                    Hope this helps.

                    Advansys Support

                    Support 3

                      FYI, the example code above worked fine in 2 out of 3 GroupWise accounts. We are not sure why it failed to return the proper message ID in one account, it could be the message not yet synchronize with the GroupWise system. Although, the applet failed to return proper message id but the message actually saved to the Work-In-Progress folder. Note that, all of the 3 accounts tested are running in caching mode.

                      Advansys Support


                        I’m not sure why I had the ItemSaveMessageDraft commented out. Tired mistake…

                        I tried using your cleaned up code and finally got a message ID. However, I got the message ID of the “original” message, not the “reply” message.

                        It turns out that I’ve had the “integration” setup incorrectly.

                        In all my tests, I’ve had integrations set to run the code BEFORE the “OnReply” event.

                        I changed it to run AFTER “OnReply” and it successfully retrieves the “reply” message ID.

                        I guess the moral of this exchange is that no assumptions should be made about which integrations are being used during tests.

                        [This message was edited by ctaleck on July 17, 2008 at 06:15 AM.]

                        Support 3

                          Good to hear that you are making progress. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

                          Advansys Support


                            i’m trying to get “ItemMessageIDFromView()” to work after saving the msg as a draft, but even using the routine above i always get id X00.. any idea?

                            Support 3

                              This issue also posted to this thread: http://www.advansyscorp.com/forums/topic/5571038701/

                              Advansys Support

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