/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Retrieving HTML content of a message

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  • #4384


      I need to export the content of message to MS Word anf if this message is an HTML one, of course export the HTML content.

      I have read many things about manipulating the HTML content of a GroupWise message, including the fact that we can retrieve it by finding the correct attachements which represent the HTML code. But it is a hard way.

      I’m able to find the RTF and plaintext but not HTML.

      In the support page you speak about a faster way that Formativ has implemented and that should be described in the programmer manual.
      Unfortunately i didn’t find any information about this command.

      Can you help me.

      Best regards

    • Author
    • #8037
      Support 3

        Unfortunately, no GroupWise API’s available to read the HTML content of a message. We have requested this API to Novell.

        In the meantime, you will need to read the “TEXT.htm” attachment to extract the HTML format of the message. Note that, some case the message may contains the “Mime.822” not the “TEXT.htm”. In that case, you have to parse the Mime.822 file to extract the HTML part.

        In Formativ, the Utilities object provides a large number of generic methods and properties. You can use the methods to simplify coding. See the Formativ Language guide for more information. Example:

        – utilities.ExtractMIMEContent
        – utilities.LoadStringFromFile
        – utilities.DecodeQuotedPrintable

        In a separate note, you can try to save the message to disk. See the post for more information.

        Advansys Support

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