/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / eDirectory/NDS Management / Windows 2003 + Formativ Studio

  • Creator
  • #3511

      Good Morning,

      Actually i try on Windows Serveur 2003 R2 to use formativ studio (creating Applets) and after use on workstation !.
      On the server the novell client is here ! to log in the edirectory
      But, after installing “admintoolssetup” snap-in Formativ only for console one .

      In console one :
      Creating a new objet “AdvansysFvConfig and AdvansysFvScriptLib”

      In tools must specified the Ldap Server ?!

      In the network , i see the folder who i had been created in Console One but i launch GroupWise and the Formativ Studio , the folder doesn’t appears !?.

      Thank for your Help !.

    • Author
    • #5306
      Support 2

        You don’t need the LDAP Server if you are using the Novell Client on the workstation where you are running Formativ Runtime and your applet solution. Formativ Runtime should leverage the Novell Client authentication to access eDirectory and discover the config object, which in turn, should show you the associated Applet Libraries. As you may be aware, you will need to be logged into eDirectory as the appropriate user etc.

        Most times the cause will come down to a rights issue or another configuration problem.

        If you cannot resolve the problem, for each workstation with the eDirectory access issues, can you send the Formativ Configuration information to support@advansyscorp.com.

        You can obtain the configuration by selecting Help | About Formativ… from the GroupWise main menu. When the About Formativ dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard. Then paste the text into your reply email (or save it to a plain-text file and include it as an attachment).


        Advansys Support


          Good Morning

          Thank for you answer :

          Server 2003 R2 + Novell Client 4.91SP3 + Groupwise 7.0 and formativ Studio v2.0.1
          On workstation Win XP sp2 or W2K but not Novell Client installed with GroupWise 7.0.2 and Formativ Run-Time 2.0.1

          But , actually working on server for created in Formativ Studio to created the Folder “Applets” who containt Applets. Then i install your tool Admintoolssetup” to have snap in formativ .
          In Console One , i creat the object “AdavansysFvScriptLib” and add user who have right !.

          For this test , i use novell client and the protocole Netware !.
          In network , i see the objet created by console one “Applets” but when i launch Groupwise + Formativ Studio , i don’t see the objet created !!!.

          Thank for your help.

          Support 2

            When you run Formativ Studio (from GW client on the Win2K3 server), in the bottom left hand side of the Formativ Studio dialog, does it show Administratory Mode (your email address)?

            I presume you configured the FormativAdministrator Role object with the appropriate rights etc., as shown in the eDirectory Quick Start section of the Formativ Studio Guide?

            Presumably you are logged into eDirectory as the correct user (associated with the Formativ Configuration object, AdvansysFvConfig, which should be configured via ConsoleOne to point to a Formativ Applet Library – AdvansysFvScripLib) with appropriate rights?

            Can you please send the Formativ Configuration information to support@advansyscorp.com. You can obtain the configuration by selecting Help | About Formativ… from the GroupWise main menu. When the About Formativ dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard. Then paste the text into your reply email (or save it to a plain-text file and include it as an attachment).


            Advansys Support


              Good Morning

              Thank to your help, here the information

              Advansys Formativ Studio – Version 2.0.1 – Build
              Registered: YES (Audit Code – “Noview ;-)”) – TLS Remaining: 1032
              Caching Protocol: NDAP
              Config “CN=GW_Macros.O=Tutelles” located in USER “CN=Admin.O=Tutelles”
              Operating System : Windows 2003
              Internet Explorer : 6.00.3790.2885 (srv03_sp1_gdr.070218-2234)
              Cache File System : NTFS

              Current User Configuration:

              Location of Files
              User Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativApplets – (System)
              User Data: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
              User Cache: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache – (System)
              User Images: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Images – (System)
              User Config: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Config – (System)
              User Encoded: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativEncoded Output – (System)
              User Flexalock: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativFlexalock Output – (System)
              User Backup: C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativLibrary Backup – (System)
              Common Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Applets – (System)
              Common Data: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
              Common Help: C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativHelp – (System)
              Common Manifests: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0System – (System)

              Client Options

              Portal Folder Enabled: True
              Portal Folder Deleted: False
              Portal Folder Name: Formativ Portals
              Display Exceptions: True
              Redirect Associations: False
              Main Menu Caption: A&pplets
              Mode: 255
              Formativ is enabled – Applet creation is allowed
              Client integrations are enabled – Formativ menu is enabled
              Favorites menu is enabled – Applet recording is allowed
              Enable intelligent Applet caching – Update Applet cache on client startup

              Debug Mode: False
              Exception Dialog: True
              Include Groups: True
              Max Traversal: 10
              Word Limit?: False
              Limit Count: 2

              Protocols Order: 2 Override: 0

              LDAP Settings
              LDAP Server: – Server Port: 389
              Username: – Certificate:
              Requires Logon: True – Automatic Login: False
              Anonymous Login: False – Save Password: False
              Default Port: 389 – Default Port SSL: 636 – Use SSL: False

              Solution Packs None. – Library Integration Exceptions: None

              Formativ File Version Information:

              Advansys Formativ (VBSSAFE.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:26 am
              Advansys Formativ Tray Interface (FORMATIV.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 am
              Advansys Formativ Registration Utility (FRMRMG10.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:22 am
              Advansys Formativ Quick Config (QUICKCONFIG.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:20 am
              Advansys Formativ Studio (FORMATIV.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:52:52 am
              Advansys Formativ Control Panel Applet (FORMATIV.CPL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:28 am
              Advansys Formativ Applet Generator (SCRIPTGEN.DLL) 1.6 01/07/2003 06:22:32 pm
              Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pm
              Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm
              Advansys Formativ Portal Manager Resources (HTMLRES.DLL) 1.6 24/06/2003 11:40:50 am
              Advansys Formativ Interface Loader (UILOAD.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 am

              LDAP File Version Information:

              Novell LDAP SDK Library (LDAPSDK.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:08:08 pm
              Novell LDAP SDK Extension APIs (LDAPX.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:10:04 pm
              Novell LDAP SDK SSL Library (LDAPSSL.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:09:24 pm

              GroupWise File Version Information:

              Novell GroupWise Client (GRPWISE.EXE) 7.0.2 7.0.2 10/04/2007 09:20:26 am
              Novell GroupWise C3PO Manager (GWDT31.DLL) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:11:30 am
              Novell GroupWise Address Book (ADDRBOOK.EXE) 7.0.2 7.0.2 10/04/2007 09:20:22 am
              Novell GroupWise Address Book (GWABU1.DLL) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:20:30 am
              Novell GroupWiseObject Library (GWCMA1.DLL) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:06:28 am
              Novell GroupWise Import Module (GWIMPEXE.EXE) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:47:48 am
              Novell GroupWise ‘Hit the Road’ setup (HTRSETUP.EXE) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:56:12 am
              GroupWise Attachments ActiveX Control (GWATT1.OCX) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:17:18 am
              Novell GroupWise Notify (NOTIFY.EXE)bbbb 7.0.2 7.0.2 10/04/2007 09:20:28 am
              Novell GroupWise Admin API (GWCMB1.DLL) 7.0.2 7.0.2 06/04/2007 01:10:58 am

              GroupWise Interface Language: Language: FR

              GroupWise Address Books:

              AB Modal From Toolbar: No
              Default Address Book: AB.4E6F76656C6C47576162703139393500.Carnet d’adresses GroupWise de Novell
              Delimiter Characters: ,; – Display Name Format: F L – Name Search Mode: No

              Third Party Handlers

              DLL1 C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativSCRIPTRECORDER.DLL
              Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pm
              DLL2 C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativTOKENBLOCKER.DLL
              Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm

              GroupWise C3PO Entries:

              Events OnReady – OnShutDown
              Objects CommandFactory -EventMonitor

              Advansys.formativ : Objects IconFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects IconFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects IconFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects IconFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Events OnDelivery
              Objects EventMonitor

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Events GW#C#OPEN
              Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Events GW#C#OPEN
              Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Advansys.formativ : Objects CommandFactory

              Events GW#C#OPEN
              Objects CommandFactory

              Trialware Applets:

              Available Applets:
              C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativAppletsA new applet.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
              C:Documents and SettingsAdministrateurMes documentsAdvansysFormativAppletsToto.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
              C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0AppletsChrono_Bib.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: No

              Thank .


                Good afternoon,

                For information , the console one version is 1.3.6 and java 1.3.1 and 1.4.1_01.

                Thank for your help !.


                  Good Afternoon ,

                  There is a order to install ?!

                  He must to do in first the Extend eDirectory with the “Admintoolssetup.exe” and Wizard.

                  And After create objet Organizational Role, advansysFvConfig and advansysFvScriptlib ?!

                  because i do , i think the inverse ! first creat objet and after using the wizard schema !.

                  Thank for your help !


                    Good Morning,

                    Ok , the error has been , in fact , i mistake on Organizational Role, i don’t write exactly the name “FormativAdministrator” but “FormativAdmin” and don’t work 🙂 ! at all !.

                    Thank for search and help !

                    Support 2

                      Thanks for the update.


                      Advansys Support

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