I am trying to write an applet that will ‘tag’ an email with a particular FieldDefinition.
My code so far is …
Dim oFieldDef
On Error Resume Next
Set oFieldDef = Groupwise.Account.FieldDefinitions.item(“TagLine”, egwString)
On Error GoTo 0If Not IsObject(oFieldDef) Then
Set oFieldDef = Groupwise.Account.FieldDefinitions.Add(“TagLine”, egwString)
End IfUnfortunately I get an error on trying to add the Def as follows :-
“Unable to create Field Definition in GroupWise Data Store at line 9, column 7”
Line 9 is my .Add line. I am guessing it fails because the Account object is Read-Only and therefore I am not allowed to add Defs.
Is there some other way to get to the Account object that would give me read/write access?
In VB I would do the following …
Set gwApp = CreateObject(“NovellGroupWareSession”)
Set gwAcct = gwApp.LoginOn Error Resume Next
Set gwFldDef = gwAcct.FieldDefinitions.item(“TagLine”, egwString)
On Error GoTo gbCreateEmailErr:If gwFldDef Is Nothing Then
Set gwFldDef = gwAcct.FieldDefinitions.Add(“TagLine”, egwString)
End IfThis works in VB but for this Applet I need Formativ to do the creation.
The first two lines are the crucial bit, they get me the Account object. I’ve tried creating the object that way within Formativ (which appears to work) but I get the same error back
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