/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Excel Importer

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  • #3671

      Hi I have an excel address account I want to import into Groupwise Address Book. I loaded formativ runtime and then loaded the excel to address book importer. It will allow me to preview the info but then cancels when I try to actually import the data. In a way its a very mean trick. I’m not importing any email addresses so this field isn’t even denoted. I have included the required fields its just as well. I’m really at the end of my rope. I’m gonna try it on another machine then I have no Idea what to do from there. I have GW 6.5 and am using the cureent version of formativ runtime not the beta.

    • Author
    • #5806
      Support 1

        There is a newer applet on Cool Solutions that I think might work better for you. CSV Address Book Importer takes a CSV file and imports to a GroupWise personal address book. This is an installer for the applet.

        You can get Excel to create a CSV file from your Excel address book. Choosing from the main menu File | Save As…, then set the ‘save as’ type to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv). Then follow the instructions included with this new applet.

        If the problem you are getting continues, please send us your Excel address book, to support@advansyscorp.com

        Advansys Support

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