This issue is fixed in Archive To Go, released on March 26, 2015.
http://www.advansyscorp.com/pr…-to-go/a2go-support/Date: January 21, 2015 (AEDST)
Issue: This feature works as designed only when the archive is created on the workstation’s C: Drive
We are currently researching a resolution to a just confirmed limitation of Archive To Go Creator 3.0’s optional “Save large attachments as external files” feature, which is accessed on the General tab of the archive creator wizard.
As documented in the Archive To Go Creator manual (currently page 39), this is an optional feature which is designed to optimize memory usage when processing large message attachments (default is 50 MB, user configurable).
When the target archive is created on the workstation’s local C: Drive and when using the Save large message attachments as external files option (when checkbox is ticked), Archive To Go Creator will correctly export attachments over the specified maximum size. These large attachments are stored in a special sub-folder associated with the parent message in the archive. Attachments saved externally are logged in the export log file.
Below is a screen shot showing a few external attachment entries in an Archive To Go log file. For this test the maximum attachment size was set to 1 MB to force entries.
Below is a screen shot showing the external attachment sub-folders which appear under the parent 00000001 folder in an Archive To Go archive. This type of folder structure is what is to be expected when exporting to the C: volume. The sub-folders are named after the GroupWise message ID and contain the large attachments associated with the original message, which is stored in the parent folder 00000001. The matching message is named as gw-message-id.fml (i.e. external attachments sub-folder name matches original message file name, based on the internal GroupWise message ID).
Once again, in this example there are many sub-folders because the maximum size for the external attachments option was set artificially low at 1 MB.
Limitation: Currently this feature works only when exporting to the C: Drive and it does not work correctly when exporting to other local or network drives. In our research so far, when exporting to another drive other than C:, while the log file indicates attachments saved externally, these large attachments are not copied to the archive data. For yet unknown technical reasons, it appears that the special external attachment file sub-folders are not created. The attachment’s original parent message is exported correctly to the target archive but it will not have access to the large attachment which exceeded the maximum size limit (default is 50 MB).
We are working on isolating the cause and determining a resolution to this feature’s limitation, which will be provided in the next Archive To Go 3.0 maintenance release. In the mean time, when creating an archive to any other drive other than the C: Drive, please un-tick the Save large message attachments as external files option. If you experience memory errors in the log file when processing large attachments, use this option only when creating the archive on the workstation’s C: drive.
Advansys will also notify users regarding this issue via the email address used to download the product. Please contact support AT advansyscorp.com if you have any questions.
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