/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Cannot install on Vista 32/64bit

  • Creator
  • #3802

      I am running Groupwise 7.03 and try to install Formativ runtime.

      Installation seems to go Ok, but there is no Applets in my Groupwise menu.

      Does Formative work at all with Vista (either 23 or 64 bit?)


    • Author
    • #6238
      Support 3

        Unfortunately the Vista security changes do cause some trouble with our existing Formativ 2.0.1 code, primarily our registration system, which of course is confidential information. Our engineers currently working to solve the above issue in Vista.

        In the meantime, if you require this confidential information, please send message to Support (support@advansyscorp.com). You can also follow the steps below to install Formativ in Vista:

        • Log to the Administrator account in Vista.
        • Install Formativ (Right click the installer (i.e. formativruntime.exe) and choose “Run as Administrator” option).
        • Install Formativ Applets. Right click the installer (i.e. advansys-message-saver-pack-2.0.exe) and choose “Run as Administrator” option.
        • Start GroupWise.
        • Make sure the installed Applets (i.e. Message Saver, Stationery, etc) are working.
        • Now you can switch to Standard user, all Applets and Formativ should be working.
        • If you need to register Applets or Formativ, you need to register from the Administrator account.

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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