• Creator
  • #4244


      we have following problem. An applet should suppress the GW-Funktion “Answer to all”.

      If we opened an email and then we click to the answer button than this applet will works fine. If we opened an email and then we click over the puldown menu “Answer to All” this applets don’t work. Over this way the user can answer to all. The applet are integrated as “Replace Groupwise Item” “ItemReplyOpenItem”.

      Here is the Applet.

      option explicit
      dim ArAdres
      dim StrAdres
      dim counter
      dim feldinhalt
      const Liste = “SCI-AppletTestverteiler”
      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
      if EventParams.Item(0).Value = 7 then
      Call GroupWise.ItemReply(7, True)
      StrAdres = groupwise.ItemGetText(“X00”, itfTo) ‘Adressstring holen
      ArAdres = Split(StrAdres, “;”, -1,1)’Array füllen mit Seperatoren
      counter = -1
      while counter < ubound(ArAdres)’Schleife zum prüfen der Arrayfelder
      counter = counter + 1
      feldinhalt = ArAdres(counter)
      if Liste = trim(ArAdres(counter)) then
      Call Groupwise.Cancel()
      MsgBox ” Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass die Funktion ANTWORT AN ALLE “_
      &vbCrLf & ” bei EMails die Sie über große Verteiler erhalten haben unterdrückt wird!”_
      , 64 ,”GroupWise Information”
      end if
      elseif EventParams.Item(0).Value = 1 then
      Call GroupWise.ItemReply(1, True)
      StrAdres = groupwise.ItemGetText(“X00”, itfTo) ‘Adressstring holen
      ArAdres = Split(StrAdres, “;”, -1,1)’Array füllen mit Seperatoren
      counter = -1
      while counter < ubound(ArAdres)’Schleife zum prüfen der Arrayfelder
      counter = counter + 1
      feldinhalt = ArAdres(counter)
      if Liste = trim(ArAdres(counter)) then
      Call Groupwise.Cancel()
      MsgBox ” Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass die Funktion”_
      &vbCrLf & ” ANTWORT AN ALLE bei großen Verteilern geblockt wird!”_
      , 64 ,”GroupWise Information”
      end if
      end if
      End Sub

      Sorry for my bad English and greetings from the good old Germany.


    • Author
    • #7588
      Support 1

        Thank you for your enquiry.

        According to Novell, a defect prevented the On Reply event from firing when choosing an item from the Reply button drop-down menu. This was fixed in GroupWise 6.5 SP1.

        Which version of GroupWise are you running?

        Advansys Support



          we have the version 6.5.4 or higher.

          Greetings from Cologne.

          Support 1


            I have just used GroupWise 6.5.6 to test the GroupWise Application event ItemReplyOpenItem. This works as expected, when either Replace Groupwise Item or Before Groupwise Event is specified.

            It is possible that this event was broken in one of the GroupWise 6.5 service packs SP2-5. It appears to work correctly in version 6.5.6.

            Can you try testing your solution on GroupWise 6.5.6?

            If you wish, we could email you a diagnostic Formativ applet which displays the current GroupWise event, along with its arguments.

            I hope this helps.

            Advansys Support



              thank you for the answer.
              yes, i would be glad about the diagnostic Formativ applet.

              i have tested that applet with the groupwise client 6.5.6. unfortunately, still exists problem. in the meantime, we still have a new problem, the same applet reacts with two emails differently Confused.

              the environment:
              – the same pc
              – the same user
              – the same gw-client

              in one mail the demolition argument works fine and the “answer to all” funktion are blocked. in the others mail appears window and asks whether they mail should be stored or not, only afterwards this the funtion will blocked. if you wish, i can send you an screenshot. now we have two problems with the applet and non more idea Roll Eyes.

              i hope you can understand my english and the problems.

              Support 1

                I will send you the event diagnostic applet.

                In addition, I would suggest that you use the Trace() method to help in debugging applets. Trace() writes a string out to any attached debugger, allowing you to watch the flow of a script.

                For example, if you include the following line in an applet:

                  call Utilities.Trace("This is a trace line")

                the text:

                This is a trace line

                will be output to any attached debugger. We recommend DebugView from SysInternals.

                You can use this method also to output property values, as in:

                  call Utilities.Trace("EventParams.Item(0).Value = " & EventParams.Item(0).Value)

                which might output the following:

                EventParams.Item(0).Value = 7

                I hope this helps.

                Advansys Support

                [This message was edited by Support 1 on May 18, 2006 at 06:26 PM.]

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