The easiest way to install Runtime so that ‘master’ installation settings are written into the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive of the registry is to use a config.ini file. A config.ini file lets you specify most of the possible installation options that will be used by the installer. If you don’t use a config.ini, most of the LDAP settings need to configured manually via the Formativ Control Panel applet. The syntax of the config.ini file is documented in the Distribution Kit documentation, which is available from
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to define a default context without also defining a default username. (The context and username are stored as a single entity in the registry). The closest to a default context you can currently get would be to define the actual context you wish to use, plus a placeholder username value the user needs to replace the very first time they log in.
Here’s the contents of a sample config.ini file you could use:
SSL Port=636
Use SSL=0
Server Requires Logon=1
Save Password=1
Allow Anon Login=0
Automatic Login=1
Save Username and Password Feature Enabled=1
Create Settings for All Users=1
To install Runtime using these settings, execute:
formativruntime.exe /s /i-config.ini
from the command line. This will install Runtime silently using the settings described above. The first time a user starts GroupWise, they will have to replace the displayed with their real username, and supply a password. The context will already be in place. Because the entry ‘Automatic Login=1’ is present, subsequent logins will be attempted automatically using the details that were automatically saved into the users GroupWise account.
If you wish to configure Formativ with LDAP so that no LDAP login screen is user displayed, you would need to create a new LDAP that every user logged in as. You would use the following config.ini commands:
Username=<full DN of the common user>
Automatic Login=1
Default Password=<password of the common user>
Use Default Username=1
Use Default Password=1
The use of all the available commands are documented in the Distribution Kit.
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