/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Dynamic Form Component Events

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  • #4464


      I was wondering how to call an event for a dynamically created component. I have created a new form called “MyTestForm” using the forms designer. This form contains a single panel called “pnlTest”.

      Then inside my solution code I have:

      Dim gTestDlg

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      ' Initialize a new dialog from my test form
      gTestDlg = MyTestForm

      ' Create a dynamic component at run time
      Set testEdit = TEdit.Create(gTestDlg.pnlTest)
      with testEdit
      .Parent = gTestDlg.pnlTest
      .left = 50
      .top = 10
      .height = 21
      .width = 160
      .name = "edtTest"
      .text = ""
      .visible = true
      .onClick = "testSub"
      end with

      ' Show the form

      End Sub

      Sub testSub(Sender)
      MsgBox("Called testSub")
      End Sub

      The edit box is created successfully, however the on click event does not get called. I have also tried a number of variations to the .onClick value attempting to pass in the sender variable, but I have not be able to get this event to be called.

      Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.

      Kind Regards,

      Jason Child

      [This message was edited by jasonchild on January 29, 2012 at 07:52 PM.]

    • Author
    • #8240

        Has anyone else needed to do this? I can’t be the only one heh. I’m not sure if my post above was clear.

        Basically I need to create a new component at run time on a pre-existing formativ form, and then assign an event handler to it.

        Any thoughts / feedback would be greatly appreciated.



        Support 1

          Unfortunately this does not seem to be possible. We have not found a way to get VBScript to assign an event handler dynamically.

          A couple of suggestions:

          • Try experimenting with the VBScript function GetRef (designed to support DHTML events), like this:
              .onClick = GetRef("testSub")

          • Develop a COM-enabled component to replace the Form, using a language that supports dynamically assigned event handlers (eg. Delphi, C#, VB.NET). You can create an instance of such a component from a Formativ applet, and pass data between the applet and component. You may find the featured topic .net modules useful.

          I hope this helps.

          Kind regards,
          Advansys Support


            Ok, thanks for your feedback. I tried using the GetRef function as suggested, but was unable to get this to call my event sub and I’m not sure I have the time in my project plan required to delvelop a com enabled solution to accomodate this need.

            This is unfortunate, but I guess I can achieve the same functionality using the limited Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog and either use a button to force an event or use chained dialogs for presenting required fields dependant on dynamic field values. A very outdated UI methodology but functional none the less.

            Thank you for your time looking into this, much appreciated.



            Support 1

              OK, thanks for the confirmation about GetRef.

              I suggest you seriously consider the option of a COM component, partly because of the obstacle you mention with NewControlBoxDialog in another thread. Also because it’s relatively easy to COM-enable such a component. The featured topic mentioned above includes a link to a working example.

              Good luck with the project.

              Kind regards,
              Advansys Support

              [This message was edited by Support 1 on February 01, 2012 at 03:33 PM.]

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