/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Address Book Rights and Multiple Addresses

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  • #4140


      I am trying to perform an update to the user’s address books because we are renaming our TFS Gateway. I need to know 2 things to allow me to use Formativ to do this.

      1) How do I tell what rights I have over an address book? I need to be sure I have read/write access to even both looking at the entries.

      Users may have changed their address books configuration and content (e.g. proxied a read-only view to someone else) so I can’t rely on the address book’s name or ‘position’.

      The code I am using to get each book is …

      Set gwBooks = GroupWise.AddressBooks

      For Each gwBook in gwBooks


      2) I can find and change both the displayname and the default email address but how do I get to an additional email addresses a user may have? I feel it should be the EmailAddresses collection (which works in VB) but Formativ won’t let me use that collection.

      The code to get each address book entry …

      For Each gwEntry in gwBook


      I have successfully produced this application in VB as a test but it runs very slowly. So far it appears Formativ can do the same task much much faster but I just need to finalise accessing the books and email addresses.



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    • #7250
      Support 1a

        In regards to question (2) above, here’s some code that may help:

          dim oBook
          dim oEntry
          dim oMailAddress
          dim iEmailAddresses
          set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item("Test")
          ' Iterate through each Address Book Entry
          for each oEntry in oBook.AddressBookEntries
            iEmailAddresses = ""
            ' Iterate through each EMail Address object of the address book entry
            for each oMailAddress in oEntry.EMailAddresses
              iEmailAddresses = iEmailAddresses & oMailAddress.MailAddress & vbcrlf
            msgbox "Address Book entry: " & oEntry.displayname & vbcrlf & iEmailAddresses
          set oMailAddress = nothing
          set oEntry = nothing
          set oBook = nothing

        This code uses native access to the Address books collection, as opposed to the wrapped collection. You need to pass it a book name.

        I’ll post something regarding question (1) shortly.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        Support 1a

          Regarding question (1), once you have acquired an instance of the wrapped Address book object, (i.e. the gwBook from ‘For Each gwBook in gwBooks’), you need to access the native Object API address book object. You can do this via the .Object property). Once you have access to the native Object API address book property you can access the AddressBookRights property. This is a native Object API property documented by Novell. See: http://developer.novell.com/ndk/doc/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html

          I hope this helps.

          Advansys Support


            Thanks for your answers – it was finding the ‘unwrapped’ object that was the key.

            I can now alter the multiple email addresses, however I am still having problems with determining the rights.

            Using gwBook.Object.AddressBookRights.Item(1).Access gets me the error below …

            Formativ Applet runtime error
            C:Documents and SettingsGRAHAMMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets_toolbar multi.vbf
            Object required: ‘gwBook.object.addressbookrights’ at line 14, column 4

            I also tried going for the unwrapped object, e.g. Set gwBook = Groupwise.Account.AddressBooks.Item(“Frequent Contacts”), but I get the same error.

            I get similar errors from equivalent code in VB.

            In all cases, its like the AddressBookRights collection has not been substantiated but I don’t understand why.

            I realise this is a Groupwise issue rather than a Formativ one but I am hoping you guys have worked with the AddressBookRights object before and may know how to get it to co-operate.

            Meantime I’ll go explore Novell’s unhelpful site to see what I can find there.

            Thanks – I am so close to completing this that it would be a shame to have to go back to my slow VB approach.

            Support 1a

              This error means the Object API hasn’t returned an object to you. In this case, the Object API doesn’t return an AddressBookRights collection unless the address book has actually been shared with someone. You need to check if the AddressBookRights object is ‘nothing’ before accessing it.

              Here’s some example code:

              dim oBook
              dim oRights
              set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item("Test")
              msgbox oBook.Name
              set oRights = nothing
              set oRights = oBook.AddressBookRights
              if oRights is nothing then
                msgbox "No object"
                msgbox "object"
              end if
              set oRights = nothing
              set oBook = nothing

              I suspect the same issue may be behind the missing address book problem you encountered. If the book has been deleted (or is otherwise unavaible), the Object API will return an empty object. You need to check this before attempting to access the returned objects properties.

              I hope this helps.

              Advansys Support


                OK. I was assuming the ‘rights’ were those that I have over the address book rather than those granted to others. The object being nothing if I haven’t shared it makes sense I guess.

                In which case how can I test if the current user (i.e. the one Formativ is running against) has write rights over an addressbook within the addressbooks collection?

                I realise I can just try and update which will then fail but I not particularly keen on that sort of approach.



                Support 1a

                  I couldn’t be sure without trying. I would expect you may be able to read the addressbookrights collection to see if the current user is included in the collection. It may well be that you just have to try to write to a field and see if it allowed.

                  As this an Object API issue, you may wish to consult Novell’s online documentation at:



                  Advansys Support

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