i use my own UI. In the UI i use a MemoControl. When i insert the text form the MemoControl into a plain Mailtext the hard returns are displayed correct.
When i change the line to RTF-Text (NewMsg.BodyText) no more hard returns are displayed.‘
‘ Insert your comments here
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim objTask
NL = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
InsTab = Chr(9)Set Dlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog
Dlg.Autosize = true
Dlg.ShowWizardImage = FALSEDlg.Caption = “Hessischer Rundfunk”
Dlg.Title = “Memo”
Dlg.Description = “Version 0.0.1″ & NL & ” “Set MemoControl1 = Dlg.AddMemoControl
with MemoControl1
.Caption = “Description”
.Left = 90
.ScrollBars = 4
.CaptionPosition = afvLeft
.CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify
.Spacing = afvManual
.SpaceAbove = 40
.WantTabs = TRUE
.WantReturns = TRUE
end withrButton = Dlg.Execute
If rButton = 1 Then
Set NewMsg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
if NewMsg is Nothing then
MsgBox(“No composing item available”)
NewMsg.Subject = “My Memo”‘ RTF Format
‘NewMsg.BodyText = “{rtf1ansiansicpg1252uc1 {bb” & MemoControl1.Text & “b}”‘ Standard Text Format
NewMsg.BodyText = MemoControl1.Textcall GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsTo,””)
Set NewMsg = nothing
end ifEnd If
Set NewMsg = Nothing
Set Dlg = nothingEnd Sub
Any idea? Thanks …
Best Regards
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