/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / SmartFields empty (eDirectory and Adress Book)

  • Creator
  • #4786

      Customer of mine wants a signature with information from eDirectory. I’m testing with Multiple Signatures from the Presentation Pack 2.0.

      Installation steps:
      installed Novell ActiveX Core and NDAP SDK
      ran Regocx.bat
      installed Formative Runtime 2.0.1
      installed Formative Presentation Pack 2.0
      Configured Formative Control Panel applet

      When I start GroupWise client 7.0.3 (GW703HP1aMulti) and I click on the SmartField Assistant button, the tabs Address Book and eDirectory are empty.
      In the Formative Configuration there is a message “No config object found in NDS – checking the registry”.

      What do I have to configure so I can use the eDirectory smartfields?

      Thanks in advance

    • Author
    • #9023
      Support 1

        Thanks for your enquiry.

        It might be helpful to obtain a diagnostic trace of SmartField Assistant’s progress. In order to gather diagnostic information about it, you will require a debug event viewer. If you do not already have one, I suggest you download and install DebugView from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx, and follow the steps set out below:

        • Start DebugView and turn off capturing for Kernel events (if available).
        • Go to GroupWise and press Ctrl+Alt+D (3 keys) as you start SmartFields Assistant; this will make it generate debug information.
        • Save the debug information captured in DebugView to a text file, and send it to support@advansyscorp.com.

        In addition, which edition/version of Windows are you running?

        I look forward to your reply.

        Advansys Support

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