/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Post Appointments to a Shared Calendar

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  • #4312

      Hi Advansys Support,

      I am writing in hopes that you will have an example kicking around or some guidance, either would be greatly appreciated.

      I have written a call documentation tool for our Child Health Line using formativ. The call documentation tool writes out all the the data to an MySQL database. An enhancement has been requested to be able to book prenatal consults while documenting the call as appointment would need the Caller’s name, phone number and area which is collected on the form already as mandatory fields. Each user has proxy access to the prenatal calendar. The users would like to be prompted when prenatal consults is selected for the reason for the call, would you like to book an appt now? Yes/No If yes, pop up a calendar that includes date/time, pull the caller’s information and post an appointment to the calendar. No busy search is required as there is a rule on the calendar to accept all appointments and our administrative team does clean up manually. Then return to the form and continue processing. If the caller’s does not wish to book the appointment, the user can carry on with the call details. Is this possible?

      Talk to you soon.

    • Author
    • #7785
      Support 2

        We hope to be able to reply with a suggestion soon. Unfortunately this time of year is a little crazy. Smile


        Advansys Support


          WinkNot a problem, I completely understand. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and look forward to your suggestions in the New Year.

          Support 2

            Thank you for your understanding and best wishes also to you and your colleagues!


            Advansys Support

            Support 3

              Sorry for the delay in our response.

              It looks like you can achieve your enhancement request using Formativ. You can write a function to create and send an Appointment when the user being prompted to “Would you like to book an appt now?” and pressed the ok button. If you are using GroupWise 7 then you can create a sub-calendar and share the calendar with other users. Select Calendar folder and choose “New Calendar” popup menu option to create a new calendar. Choose “Sharing…” popup menu option to provide the share users list. You can use the Formativ to create posted Appointment into this shared sub-calendar. Please see below an example to create posted Appointment into a sub-calendar.

              See the Object API (http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html), Formativ Language Guide and Developers Guide for more information.

              ' This sample code create a posted Appointment into a sub-calendar called
              ' "Prenatal Calendar". The idea is to share the sub-calendar with other users so
              ' that shared users can add or modify the calendar items. This sub-calendar
              ' option is only available in GroupWise 7 or later version.
              Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                CreateAppointment("Prenatal Calendar")
              End Sub
              ' Create posted appointment in sub-calendar folder. You can share this sub-calendar
              ' folder with others users so that shared users can view the calendar messages.
              sub CreateAppointment(aSubFolderName)
                dim oAppt
                dim oFolder
                dim oSubCalendar
                set oSubCalendar = nothing
                for each oFolder in groupwise.account.calendar.folders
                  if (ucase(oFolder.name) = ucase(aSubFolderName)) then
                    set oSubCalendar = oFolder
                    exit for
                  end if
                if (oSubCalendar is nothing) then
                  exit sub
                end if
                set oAppt = nothing
                set oAppt = oSubCalendar.messages.add("GW.MESSAGE.APPOINTMENT", fgwPersonal)
                oAppt.StartDate = now
                oAppt.EndDate = DateAdd("h", 1, now)
                oAppt.Place = "Office"
                oAppt.Subject.plaintext = "Test Appointment: " & now
                oAppt.BodyText.plaintext = "Test appointment. Please ignore."
                set oAppt = nothing
                set oFolder = nothing
                set oSubCalendar = nothing
              end sub

              Hope this helps.

              Advansys Support

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