my applet shall collect informations provided by users (selections and inputs in forms).
Later the user creates a draft message by clicking a send button.The problem is now that sometimes the send event lasts between 20 and 30 seconds. This is much too long.
Do you have any suggestion where the delay happens.
I use up to 3 recipients.
best regards & many thanks for help
a part of code….
Sub Senden_book
‘Absenden der AnforderungHRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Dim objDraft
Dim objEmail
Dim objRecipient
Dim txt_mail
Dim txt_Anforderer
Dim txt_Berechtigungstyp
Dim txt_Benutzer
Dim txt_copy_from
Dim txt_Buchberechtigung
Dim txt_Zusatzinfo
Dim txt_Berechtigungentxt_Anforderer = “Anforderer: ” & Anlage.cmb_requester_name.Text
txt_Berechtigungstyp = “Berechtigungstyp: ” & Anlage.cmb_book_right_type.Text
txt_Benutzer = “Für Benutzer: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_user.Text
txt_copy_from = “Kopie von Benutzer: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_user_copy_from.Text
txt_Zusatzinfo = “Zusatzinfo: ” & Anlage.txt_book_memo.Texttxt_Berechtigungen = “BERECHTIGUNGEN für: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_name.Text
‘ Create a draft email message
Set objDraft = GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.Add(4)Empfaenger1 = Anlage.txt_email_1.Text
Empfaenger2 = Anlage.txt_email_2.Text
Empfaenger3 = Anlage.txt_email_3.Text‘Empfänger hinzufügen
objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger1,,0)‘Controlling Empfänger hinzufügen
If send2Controlling=true then
objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger3,,fgwto)
end if‘Weiteren Empfänger hinzufügen
If Anlage.txt_email_2.Text <> “” then
objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger2,,fgwto)
end ifif Anlage.tab_email_sender_include.State = cbChecked then
‘ Add a single recipient – ourself
objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(objDraft.Sender.EmailAddress,,gwCC)
end ifobjDraft.Subject = txt_Berechtigungstyp& ” VEGA-USER ” & txt_Benutzer & ” von ” &txt_Anforderer
txt_mail = txt_Anforderer & HRT & txt_Benutzer & HRT & txt_copy_from & HRT & txt_Berechtigungen & HRT & txt_Zusatzinfo
objDraft.BodyText.PlainText = txt_mail‘ Send the email by calling the send method
Set objEmail = objDraft.Send‘ Display the MessageID
vbanswer = msgbox(“Ihre Anforderung wurde versandt.” & HRT & “Weitere Berechtigungen anfordern ?”,vbyesno)
if vbanswer = vbyes then
call reset_fields
‘ Anlage.Senden.Modalresult = mrOK
Anlage.Modalresult = mrOK
‘ Anlage.Modalresult = mrCancel
end ifEnd Sub
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