/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / Delays of half a minute on sending a draft message

  • Creator
  • #3592


      my applet shall collect informations provided by users (selections and inputs in forms).
      Later the user creates a draft message by clicking a send button.

      The problem is now that sometimes the send event lasts between 20 and 30 seconds. This is much too long.

      Do you have any suggestion where the delay happens.

      I use up to 3 recipients.

      best regards & many thanks for help

      a part of code….

      Sub Senden_book
      ‘Absenden der Anforderung

      HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
      Dim objDraft
      Dim objEmail
      Dim objRecipient
      Dim txt_mail
      Dim txt_Anforderer
      Dim txt_Berechtigungstyp
      Dim txt_Benutzer
      Dim txt_copy_from
      Dim txt_Buchberechtigung
      Dim txt_Zusatzinfo
      Dim txt_Berechtigungen

      txt_Anforderer = “Anforderer: ” & Anlage.cmb_requester_name.Text
      txt_Berechtigungstyp = “Berechtigungstyp: ” & Anlage.cmb_book_right_type.Text
      txt_Benutzer = “Für Benutzer: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_user.Text
      txt_copy_from = “Kopie von Benutzer: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_user_copy_from.Text
      txt_Zusatzinfo = “Zusatzinfo: ” & Anlage.txt_book_memo.Text

      txt_Berechtigungen = “BERECHTIGUNGEN für: ” & Anlage.txt_book_right_name.Text

      ‘ Create a draft email message
      Set objDraft = GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.Add(4)

      Empfaenger1 = Anlage.txt_email_1.Text
      Empfaenger2 = Anlage.txt_email_2.Text
      Empfaenger3 = Anlage.txt_email_3.Text

      ‘Empfänger hinzufügen
      objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger1,,0)

      ‘Controlling Empfänger hinzufügen
      If send2Controlling=true then
      objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger3,,fgwto)
      end if

      ‘Weiteren Empfänger hinzufügen
      If Anlage.txt_email_2.Text <> “” then
      objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(Empfaenger2,,fgwto)
      end if

      if Anlage.tab_email_sender_include.State = cbChecked then
      ‘ Add a single recipient – ourself
      objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(objDraft.Sender.EmailAddress,,gwCC)
      end if

      objDraft.Subject = txt_Berechtigungstyp& ” VEGA-USER ” & txt_Benutzer & ” von ” &txt_Anforderer

      txt_mail = txt_Anforderer & HRT & txt_Benutzer & HRT & txt_copy_from & HRT & txt_Berechtigungen & HRT & txt_Zusatzinfo
      objDraft.BodyText.PlainText = txt_mail

      ‘ Send the email by calling the send method
      Set objEmail = objDraft.Send

      ‘ Display the MessageID
      vbanswer = msgbox(“Ihre Anforderung wurde versandt.” & HRT & “Weitere Berechtigungen anfordern ?”,vbyesno)
      if vbanswer = vbyes then
      call reset_fields
      ‘ Anlage.Senden.Modalresult = mrOK
      Anlage.Modalresult = mrOK
      ‘ Anlage.Modalresult = mrCancel
      end if

      End Sub

    • Author
    • #5550
      Support 3

        We haven’t had any report about the delay of sending messages using the Send method. Could you please answer the following questions:

        • Do you know when the delay occur (i.e first execution of the applet after restart the GroupWise)?
        • Can you reproduce the behaviour in another GroupWise account?
        • How you execute the applet (i.e applet integrations)?
        • Which version of GroupWise client are you running?

        May be you can use the utilities.DoEvents() before and after the Send method to force windows to process any pending messages in the windows application message queue.

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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