/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / MemoControl SpaceAbove bug?

  • Creator
  • #3533

      When a MemoControl follows a RadioGroup with .Spacing = afvManual , it overlaps the RadioGroup, regardless of the SpaceAbove setting.

      Set RG = SigDlg.AddRadioGroupControl
      with RG
      .Caption = “Choose Signature to view or edit, then select &View/Edit button:”
      .Columns = 3
      .Height = 48
      .ItemIndex = 1
      end with

      Set MemoControl = SigDlg.AddMemoControl
      with MemoControl
      .Caption = ” “
      .Text = “Here is some text….”
      .ScrollBars = fssBoth ‘fssVertical is buggy
      .CaptionPosition = afvLeft
      .CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify
      .Spacing = afvManual
      .SpaceAbove = 120
      .WordWrap = TRUE
      ‘.ReadOnly = TRUE
      .Height = 200
      .SpaceAbove = 20
      end with

    • Author
    • #5370
      Support 2

        There are two ‘SpaceAbove’ lines in your code sample. When I removed the ‘.SpaceAbove = 20’, the ‘.SpaceAbove=120’ became active and seemed to resolve the problem during my testing. Please let me know if this is not the case for you.


        Advansys Support

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