/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Error on obtaining CommandMessage

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  • #4348

      Hi all,

      I have two users that are getting an error on the following line.

      Set objMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

      The error just gives the path to the applet and the line number.

      I am not able to reproduce this error myself and there are many other users that use this applet and do not get this error.

      The applet itself replaces the forward event and then creates a new (draft) message and sends it off.

      Any Ideas?



    • Author
    • #7883
      Support 3

        We could not re-produce the behaviour in here. It may be the GroupWise client or some unknown issue on that user considering the code is working for most of the users. May be you need to run the GWCheck on that user or upgrade the GroupWise client.

        You can also place the error handler on the code, so that when it fails to access the message object it prompt the user to some meaningful message. Please see below an example:

        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
          dim objMsg
          if not GetMessage(objMsg, Client) then
            msgbox "Unable to access the message. Please try again"
          end if
          set objMsg = nothing
        End Sub
        ' Access the message.
        function GetMessage(byref abjMsg, Client)
          on error resume next
          GetMessage = false
          set abjMsg = nothing
          Set abjMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
          if not abjMsg is nothing then
            GetMessage = true
          end if
        end function

        Advansys Support

        Support 1

          Are the users trying to forward attached messages? The CommandMessage property can only be expected to work reliably in GroupWise 7.0.3, which adds support for attached messages with CommandMessage.

          In addition, here is an excerpt from the online documentation:


          CommandMessage isn’t available for new messages. If you try to access Manager.ClientState.CommandMessage from a new message, GroupWise 6.5 throws an “Unspecified error” exception.

          I hope this helps.



            You solution isn’t feasible for us since this just prevents the applet from continuing on.

            When the user tries again he just gets the same error.

            We are using groupwise 6.5 but the user always chooses “Forward” never “Forward as Attachment”.

            I will ask the IT dept. if they ran GW_CHECK. They actually rebuilt his workstation and the problem re-appeared.

            Is there another method I could use to determine the current message when the Client.ClientState.CommandMessage fails?

            Any help you can give is much appreciated. Thanks,


            Support 1


              We are using groupwise 6.5 but the user always chooses “Forward” never “Forward as Attachment”.

              In my previous post I mentioned “attached messages”. By this I meant messages that the user has received as attachments. So the problem is in opening a message attachment and invoking CommandMessage with that message active. Here’s the relevant item in the change log for GroupWise 7.0.3:


              Calling the CommandMessage property works on an attached message.

              Advansys Support


                The user is not invoking the CommandMessage on an attached message either.

                The IT dept did run the GW_CHECK and several other tests and did not find any problems.

                The user has no problem with CommandMessage in other applets that run on that message class. (executed via a button on the toolbar).

                I have given up trying to figure out why this happening and I’ve moved on to finding an acceptable solution.

                Here is my applet code.

                Sub Main (Client, GWEvent)
                on error resume next
                dim objMsg, objDraftMsg, g_acct, intMsgID, i, strSubject, strBody
                Groupwise.CancelGroupwiseEvent = true
                Set g_acct = Groupwise.Account
                Set objMsg = Nothing
                Set objMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
                if objMsg is Nothing then 
                   msgbox "Message could not be found. Please try again"
                   exit sub
                end if 
                '--- Class Name is GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp1 or GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp2
                Set objDraftMessage = g_acct.Mailboxes.Messages.Add(objMsg.className) 
                strBody = vbcrlf & " <<< " & g_acct.Owner.DisplayName & " " & now & " >>> &
                strBody = strBody & vbcrlf & objMsg.BodyText
                '--- I then loop through and add any attachments or fields
                intMsg = objDraftMsg.MessageID
                Groupwise.ItemOpen intMsgID, ""
                Groupwise.TextSetSubject strSubject, false
                Set g_acct = Nothing
                Set objMsg = Nothing
                End Sub

                I was thinking that I could move the CancelGroupwiseEvent to after I check if the message exists. Then I would exit the applet and not cancel the “Forward” when the message doesn’t exist but I would only want to do this if the user had chosen to “Forward as Attachment”. Otherwise my GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp1 would be sent as GW.MESSAGE.MAIL

                Is there a way to differentiate if the user picked “Forward” or “Forward as Attachment”? There doesn’t seem to be anything in the EventParams object.



                Support 3


                  Is there a way to differentiate if the user picked “Forward” or “Forward as Attachment”?

                  Sorry, not available at present.


                  Is there another method I could use to determine the current message when the Client.ClientState.CommandMessage fails?

                  You can try to access the message using the clientstate.SelectedMessages. This method will not work, if you run the code when message view is opened.
                  set oMessage = Client.clientstate.selectedmessages.item(1)

                  Not sure whether it will help, may be you can try to change the “OnForward” event order in Formativ. You can change the event execution order (i.e “Before GroupWise Event”, “After GroupWise Event”, “Replace GroupWise Event”). Open the Events dialog from the “Formativ Integrations” tab page, click small the drop-down arrow next to the “OnForward” event, change to “Before GroupWise Event” or “Replace GroupWise Event”.

                  Hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support


                    I could never trap the error since as soon as the Client.ClientState.CommandMessage line was read then Groupwise would freeze. Even with on error resume next on.

                    After several software tests we’ve determined that it must be hardware problem and the two affected users are going to get new workstations.

                    Thanks for all your help.

                    Support 3

                      Thanks for keeping us informed.

                      Lets hope the work-station upgrade fix the strange behaviour. We are interested to know the results.

                      Advansys Support

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