/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Message view – how can I tell?

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  • #4331

      I have an applet I have distributed to all my users that lets them forward selected messages. I realize now that I should discriminate between email that came off the internet, and email that came from internal users. Within GroupWise, there is the View Name = Internet attribute (or some other view name if it did not come from the GWIA). Would someone please tell me how to test for the current messages’ view name within Formativ? I looked through a number of sample applications but did not find it – perhaps I just did not look in the right application.


    • Author
    • #7844
      Support 3

        I am not sure about indentify the internal or external message based on view name. You can use the the following token to return the name of the active view:

        Alternatively, please view the following thread which has some sample code to check the external message:

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          I eventually solved this using a search on the address book. Maybe not as nice as GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName(), but it’s an alternative.

          Set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
          ' Find out how many items are selected in GroupWise
          iCount = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Count
          ' If any are selected, access each one
          If iCount > 0 Then
              For x = 1 To iCount
                  ' Get the currently selected message
                  Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Item(x)
                  strEmailAddress = iMsg.Sender.EmailAddress
                  Set oEntries = nothing
                  Set oEntries = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find("(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS """ & strEmailAddress & """)")
                  iText = ""
                  For each oEntry in oEntries
                      Set oFields = oEntry.Fields
                      For each oField in oFields
                          iText = iText & "Name: " & oField.Name & ", Value: " & oField.Value & CRLF
                          If oField.Name = "Name" Then
                              strDisplayName = oField.Value
                          End If
                  If iText = "" then
                      ' Send the email by calling the send method
                      ' (more code goes here)
                      call MsgBox( strDisplayName & " is in GroupWise - you can't tag internal user mail as spam.", 64, CAPTION )
                  End If
                  set iMsg = nothing
          End If
          Support 3

            Thanks for sharing the sample code.

            Advansys support

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