Support 1a

    Here’s some sample code that checks the ‘To’ field to ensure it doesn’t contain more than 3 recipients. (The number can be changed by changing the value of the constant). The applet would need to be integrated with the OnSend event.

    Please note this technique doesn’t check to see if any of the recipients are in groups. This requires a more complex solution.

    I hope this helps.

    Advansys Support

    ' This sample code will check the number of addresses in the TO field and stop
    ' sending the message if the addresses exceed the limit.  The applet must be
    ' integrated to fire in response to the OnSend event.
    const IDS_EXCEED_LIMIT = 3
    ' Main line processing
    sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
      ' Stop the send if the number of recipients exceeds IDS_EXCEED_LIMIT.
      if (GetTotalAddresses(groupwise.ItemGetText("X00", itfTo)) > IDS_EXCEED_LIMIT) then
        call msgbox("", vbExclamation, "Advansys Formativ")
        groupwise.CancelGroupWiseEvent = true
      end if
    End Sub
    ' Get total number of addresses in the field.
    function GetTotalAddresses(addresses)
      if (len(addresses) = 0) then
        GetTotalAddresses = 0
        exit function
      end if
      if (instr(1, addresses, ";", vbTextCompare) > 0) then
         GetTotalAddresses = ubound(Split(addresses, ";", -1, vbTextCompare)) + 1
      elseif (instr(1, addresses, ",", vbTextCompare) > 0) then
         GetTotalAddresses = ubound(Split(addresses, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)) + 1
         GetTotalAddresses = 1
      end if
    end function