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July 2, 2002 at 5:34 pm
Please find below an example of disclaimer applet which supports both text and HTML and which checks to see if any outgoing addresses are external. It achieves this by attempting to resolve an address with an embedded ‘@’ sign against the system address book.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Advansys Support
' Formativ Business Solutions
' Disclaimer
' Copyright (c) 2002 Advansys Corporation (www.advansyscorp.com)
' Version 1.0
' This applet appends a disclaimer to the end of the message when the event is
' OnSend. If the message recipients are internal GroupWise system users only,
' then the applet will not add the disclaimer. The disclaimer can be a plain
' text or HTML file (extension must be .htm or .html).
' INTEGRATION: This applet requires integration with OnSend event.
' Notes: If you are using internet addressing, you will need to set the
' DOMAINNAME constant to your company's Internet domain name.
' DOMAINNAME should be your company's Internet domain name, i.e. advansyscorp.com
Const DOMAINNAME = "domainname.com" 'do not prefix the domain name with www.
' Full path to the location of the HTM file
FILENAME = Utilities.GetDataDirectory + "Disclaimer.htm"
' Main line processing
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim Msg
On Error Resume Next
If ValidMsg(Msg) And (GWEvent = "GW#C#SEND") Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (FSO.FileExists(FILENAME)) Then
sTo = Msg.To_
sCC = Msg.CC
sBC = Msg.BC
Call GroupWise.FocusSet(9, "")
If CheckExternalEmail(sTo, sCC, sBC) = FALSE Then
If FileType And (GroupWise.EnvEditorStyle = 1) Then
Call GroupWise.SwitchToHTMLView
End If
'Set the position where you want to place the disclaimer.
' To place the disclaimer at the
' top of the message - uncomment the PosTextTop,
' end of the message - uncomment PosToEndOfText
'Call GroupWise.PosTextTop
Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
Call GroupWise.Retrieve(FILENAME)
End If
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
End If
End Sub
' Decide whether the file is HTM/HTML or text file?
Function FileType
Dim sFileType
If (Instr(1, FILENAME, ".") <> 0) then
sFileType = Split(FILENAME, ".", -1, 1)
sType = sFileType(UBound(sFileType))
If (UCase(sType) = "HTM") Or (UCase(sType) = "HTML") Then
FileType = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Check any external email addresses which exist in the recipient list
Function CheckExternalEmail(sTo, sCC, sBC)
'To field
If Len(sTo) > 0 then
If ResolveAddress(sTo) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
'CC Field
If Len(sCC) > 0 Then
If ResolveAddress(sCC) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
'BCC Field
If Len(sBC) > 0 Then
If ResolveAddress(sBC) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Resolve Address
Function ResolveAddress(ByVal Recp)
Dim sMail
Dim sEntry
Dim sAddress
Dim sReturnAddr
sAddress = Trim(Recp)
'If the recipient list contains more than one entry and separated by ';' then proceed
If (Instr(1, sAddress, ";") <> 0) Then
sEntry = Split(sAddress, ";", -1, 1)
For x = 0 to UBound(sEntry)
sMail = Trim(sEntry(x))
If MailCheck(sMail) Then
ResolveAddress = TRUE
ResolveAddress = FALSE
Exit Function
End If
If MailCheck(sAddress) Then
ResolveAddress = TRUE
ResolveAddress = FALSE
End If
End If
End Function
' Check for the external mail
Function MailCheck(sMail)
Dim sEmail
If (Instr(1, sMail, "@") = 0) Then
On Error Resume Next
sEmail = GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName(sMail)
If (Instr(1, sEmail, "@") <> 0) Then
If (Instr(1, sEmail, DOMAINNAME) = 0) Then
MailCheck = FALSE
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
If (Instr(1, sMail, DOMAINNAME) = 0) Then
MailCheck = FALSE
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Do we have a composing item available?
Function ValidMsg(ByRef Msg)
On Error Resume Next
Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
If Msg is Nothing then
ValidMsg = FALSE
ValidMsg = TRUE
End If
End Function