Support 1a

    Here is a simple example of exporting GroupWise appointments to Excel. We created this applet using GroupWise 6 and Excel 2000.

    We hope this helps.

    Advansys Support

    ' Formativ Example
    ' Export GroupWise appointments to Excel
    ' Designed by: Formativ Business Solution Team
    ' Advansys Corporation (www.advansyscorp.com)
    ' Version 1.5
    ' This applet will export GroupWise appointments into MS Excel. The applet also
    ' displays the total duration of the appointments in excel.

    HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    DEFAULTFOLDER = Utilities.GetDataDirectory
    Const CAPTION = "Formativ Examples"

    ' Main line processing
    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

    dim iStartDate
    dim iEndDate
    dim iDialogClass
    dim iControllerClass

    cExit = 999
    cIntro = 101
    cDateRange = 103
    Cmd = cIntro

    set iControllerClass = new ControllerClass
    set iDialogClass = new DialogClass


    do while Cmd <> cExit

    ' Introduction dialog
    if (Cmd = cIntro) then
    select case iDialogClass.iDlg.Execute
    case Btn1 Cmd = cDateRange
    case else Cmd = cExit
    end select
    end if

    ' Check date range
    if (Cmd = cDateRange) then
    iStartDate = iDialogClass.iStartDateCTL.Date
    iEndDate = iDialogClass.iEndDateCTL.Date
    if (iEndDate >= iStartDate) then
    if iControllerClass.ExportMessages(iStartDate, iEndDate) then
    Cmd = cExit
    Cmd = cIntro
    end if
    call msgbox("Invalid end date. The end date need to be after the start date.", vbInformation, CAPTION)
    Cmd = cIntro
    end if
    end if


    set iDialogClass = nothing
    set iControllerClass = nothing

    End Sub

    ' ControllerClass
    ' Manage the whole process
    Class ControllerClass

    private iTotalDuration
    private iExcel
    private iStatusDlg
    private iCalendar

    ' Constructor
    private sub class_initialize
    iTotalDuration = 0
    Set iStatusDlg = Utilities.NewStatusDialog
    set iCalendar = Groupwise.Account.Calendar
    end sub

    ' Destructor
    private sub class_terminate
    set iExcel = nothing
    set iCalendar = nothing
    set iStatusDlg = nothing
    End Sub

    ' Get the excel object
    private function GetExcelObject()
    GetExcelObject = TRUE
    On error resume next
    Set iExcel = GetObject("Excel.Application")
    if IsEmpty(iExcel) then
    Set iExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    if IsEmpty(iExcel) then
    Call MsgBox("Could not connect to Excel - Please check it is correctly installed and try again.", vbCritical, CAPTION)
    GetExcelObject = FALSE
    end If
    end if
    end function

    ' Write the heading into the cell
    private sub WriteHeadingIntoCell(iNewWorkBook, aTotal)

    iRow = 1

    ' Total appointments
    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 1)
    .Value = "Total Appointments:"
    .Font.Size = 11
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Font.Color = vbBlue
    end with

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 2)
    .Value = aTotal
    .Font.Size = 11
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Font.Color = vbBlue
    end with

    iRow = iRow + 1

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 1)
    .Value = "Total Duration:"
    .Font.Size = 11
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Font.Color = vbBlue
    end with

    if (iTotalDuration >= 60) then
    iHour = round((iTotalDuration /60), 0)
    iMinutes = iTotalDuration mod 60

    if (iMinutes > 0) then
    iTotalDuration = iHour & " hours and " & iMinutes & " minutes"
    iTotalDuration = iHour & " hours"
    end if
    iTotalDuration = iTotalDuration & " (Minutes)"
    end if

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 2)
    .Value = iTotalDuration
    .Font.Size = 11
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Font.Color = vbBlue
    end with

    iRow = iRow + 2

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 1)
    .Value = "Subject"
    .Font.Size = 10
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 2)
    .Value = "Place"
    .Font.Size = 10
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 3)
    .Value = "Start Date"
    .Font.Size = 10
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 4)
    .Value = "End Date"
    .Font.Size = 10
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, 5)
    .Value = "Duration (Minutes)"
    .Font.Size = 10
    .Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with

    end sub

    ' Write the entry into the cell
    private sub WriteIntoCell(iNewWorkBook, iRow, aSubject, aPlace, aStartDate, aEndDate)

    iDuration = DateDiff("n", aStartDate, aEndDate)

    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet
    .Cells(iRow, 1).Value = aSubject
    .Cells(iRow, 2).Value = aPlace
    .Cells(iRow, 3).Value = aStartDate
    .Cells(iRow, 4).Value = aEndDate
    .Cells(iRow, 5).Value = iDuration
    end with
    iTotalDuration = iTotalDuration + iDuration
    iRow = iRow + 1
    end sub

    ' Write duration column total
    private sub WriteColumnTotal(iNewWorkBook, iRow, aTotal)
    with iNewWorkBook.ActiveSheet
    .Cells(iRow, 4).Value = "Total"
    .Cells(iRow, 4).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Cells(iRow, 5).Value = aTotal
    .Cells(iRow, 5).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    end with
    end sub

    ' Publish appointments into excel
    private sub PublishIntoMSExcel(iTotalItems, iMessagesList)

    dim iNewWorkBook

    iRow = 5

    iExcel.visible = TRUE

    with iStatusDlg
    .Title = "Writing into excel..."
    .ProgressRange = iTotalItems
    end with

    Set iNewWorkBook = iExcel.WorkBooks.Add

    ' Loop through the messages list and extract the message object
    for x = 1 to iTotalItems
    set iMsg = iMessagesList.Item(x)

    if not iMsg is nothing then
    call WriteIntoCell(iNewWorkBook, iRow, iMsg.Subject, iMsg.Place, iMsg.StartDate, iMsg.EndDate)
    iStatusDlg.statustext = "Subject: " & iMsg.Subject
    end if

    iStatusDlg.progressposition = x

    ' Type the duration column total
    call WriteColumnTotal(iNewWorkBook, iRow, iTotalDuration)

    ' Type the heading
    call WriteHeadingIntoCell(iNewWorkBook, iTotalItems)

    ' Auto fit the section
    with iExcel
    end with

    call msgbox("MS Excel document created and opened for review.", vbInformation, CAPTION)

    end sub

    ' Find appointments messages and export into excel
    public function ExportMessages(aStartDate, aEndDate)

    dim iTotalItems
    dim iMessagesList

    ExportMessages = TRUE

    with iStatusDlg
    .Title = "Initializing..."
    end with

    aStartDate = Year(aStartDate) & "/" & Month(aStartDate) & "/" & Day(aStartDate)
    aEndDate = Year(aEndDate) & "/" & Month(aEndDate) & "/" & Day(aEndDate)
    iFilter = ("(APPOINTMENT) AND (ACCEPTED) AND (ON_CALENDAR) AND (START_DATE >= " & aStartDate & " AT 00:00:00 AND START_DATE <= " & aEndDate & " AT 23:59:59)")

    set iMessagesList = iCalendar.FindMessages(iFilter)
    iTotalItems = iMessagesList.Count

    ' If there is any appointments messages found
    if (iTotalItems > 0) then
    if GetExcelObject then
    call PublishIntoMSExcel(iTotalItems, iMessagesList)
    end if
    call msgbox("No appointments were found. You may need to modify the date range.", vbInformation, CAPTION)
    ExportMessages = FALSE
    end if

    set iMessagesList = nothing
    end function

    End Class

    ' DialogClass
    ' Manage all the dialogs in this applet
    Class DialogClass

    public iDlg
    public iEndDateCTL
    public iStartDateCTL

    ' Constructor
    private sub class_initialize
    end sub

    ' Destructor
    private sub class_terminate
    set iDlg = nothing
    set iEndDateCTL = nothing
    set iStartDateCTL = nothing
    End Sub

    ' Introduction dialog
    public sub DisplayDlg
    Set iDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog
    with iDlg
    .AutoSize = TRUE
    .Caption = CAPTION
    .Title = "Export Appointments to Excel"
    .Description = HRT & "This applet exports GroupWise appointments to MS Excel. Please specify a date range and press OK to continue."
    end with

    Set iStartDateCTL = iDlg.AddDateTimeControl
    With iStartDateCTL
    .Caption = "Start date"
    .Hint = "Select start date"
    End With

    Set iEndDateCTL = iDlg.AddDateTimeControl
    With iEndDateCTL
    .Caption = "End date"
    .Hint = "Select end date"
    End With

    end sub

    End Class