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You can add toolbar button to GroupWise Main Window or each message type (mail, task, note, etc) window. Open the Formativ IDE then go to the Integrations tab and check toolbar option. You may need to restart GroupWise to see the appropriate toolbar buttons appearing.
You can not change the toolbar button appearance as you described above. May be you can have two distinct applets to perform the task or you can change the applet operation based on a key pressed.
The sample code below add some text to the message subject when the toolbar button pressed. If the CTRL key was pressed when the applet execute then the applet will remove the text from the message subject. See the Formativ Language Guide for more information about the KeyIsDown method.
dim OldSubject dim AddSubject call GroupWise.FocusSet(9, "") ' Is the CTRL key down? iRemoveText = utilities.KeyIsDown(VK_CONTROL) OldSubject = GroupWise.ItemGetText("X00", 9) AddSubject = "[somestring] " ' Remove text from the subject if the CTRL key down otherwise insert the text. if iRemoveText then If (InStr(1, OldSubject, AddSubject, vbTextCompare) > 0) then OldSubject = replace(OldSubject, AddSubject, " ", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,OldSubject, false) end if else If (InStr(1, OldSubject, AddSubject, vbTextCompare) > 0) then call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,OldSubject, false) else call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,AddSubject + OldSubject, false) end if end if
Hope this helps.
Advansys Support