/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Delete an addressbook / Reply To: Delete an addressbook
September 4, 2006 at 5:55 pm
Thanks “lp_irovetz” for your suggestions.
GroupWise.AddressBooks object represents the Formativ wrapping of the GroupWise address books. It is provided in order to make it simpler to access fields, especially in multi-lingual GroupWise clients. If you require access to the native GroupWise address books object model, access the GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks property.
Set adrBooks = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks For each oBook in adrBooks If ((oBook.Name = "MyBook") and (oBook.ObjType = fgwNovellPersonal)) Then oBook.Delete() End if Next
Note: You may need to restart the GroupWise to refresh AddressBooks collection after you delete an address book.
Hope this helps.
Advansys Support