Support 1

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    The README.TXT file installed with Formativ 2.0 includes the following (in section 4. Forms Designer):

    The components on the Standard, Additional, Win32, System and Dialogs tabs of the component palette are documented in the Borland Delphi VCL help file. This can be downloaded from: ftp://ftpc.borland.com/pub/delphi/techpubs/delphi6/d62pro.zip

    The components of the Enhanced tab of the component palette are documented in the Raize Components Trial Help files. This can be downloaded from:

    The components on the Netware, LDAP and NDAP tabs of the component palette are Novell’s ‘ActiveX Controls for Novell Services’. Documentation for these components can be found at: http://developer.novell.com/ndk/activex-index.htm.

    The components on the GroupWise tabs of the component palette are Novell’s ‘GroupWise Controls for ActiveX’. Documentation for these controls can be found at: http://developer.novell.com/ndk/gwactive.htm.

    Advansys Support