/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / getting administrative Information without User access to wpdomain.db / Reply To: getting administrative Information without User access to wpdomain.db

Support 3

    I think you may require the read rights to the domain and also the path to the domain database. See the Admin API for more information.

    The sample code below connect to the domain. You need to iterate through the Users collection and compare with the login user (i.e. GroupWise.account.owner.displayname)

       Set oAdminSystem = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareAdmin")
       set oDomain = oAdminSystem.ConnectedDomain
       msgbox oDimain.Name
       '< Iterate the users collection and display relevant user information...>
       set oDomain  = nothing
       set oAdminSystem = nothing

    Hope this helps.

    Advansys Support