Support 3

    You can use Portal.HTML property to get the HTML source for each Portal. Setting the HTML property will render the page within the Portal. See Formativ Language Guide (Portal object) for more information.

    If you use Portal.URL to set Portal contents then you can use example code below to extract Portal HTML, update contents and reset.

       Set oPortals = GroupWise.PortalManager.Portals
       Set oPortal1= oPortals.Item("PORTAL1")
      If not (oPortal1 is nothing) then
       iHtml = oPortal1.html
       iHtml = replace(iHtml, "about:blank", "NewText", vbTextCompare)
       oPortal1.html = iHtml
      end if
      set oPortals = nothing
      set oPortal1 = nothing

    Alternatively, if you use Portal.HTML to set page contents at the beginning then you should update it prior to set.

    Advansys Support