/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / I’d like to uppdate addresses from a file into a personal address book. / Reply To: I’d like to uppdate addresses from a file into a personal address book.

Support 3

    Please see the AddressBookEntry object in the Object API for the available properties of an address book entry. You need to iterate through the fields collection to access available fields (i.e. comments, address, personal address, etc).

    The sample code below update the email address and comments of first entry in the address book.

      dim oField
      dim oAddressBook
      set oAddressBook = nothing
      set oAddressBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item("Test Book")
      set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.item(1)
      ' Before update
      msgbox oEntry.displayname & vbcrlf & oEntry.emailaddress
      oEntry.emailaddress = "test@hotmail.com"
      ' After update
      msgbox oEntry.displayname & vbcrlf & oEntry.emailaddress
      ' Fields collection
      for each oField in oEntry.fields
        if (lcase(oField.name) = "comments") then
          oField.value = "Updated comments1"
        end if
      set oField = nothing
      set oAddressBook = nothing

    You can also view the “Formativ Developers Guide” for some sample code.

    Advansys Support