/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Personal Address Book Group Entry Question / Reply To: Personal Address Book Group Entry Question
May 9, 2006 at 4:55 pm
Members properties of an address book entry will give you access to the group members. You need to make sure the objtype is group prior to access the members. See the Object API for more information about the properties and methods.
We also have a free solution Export Address Book Group Members to CSV in GroupWise Cool Solutions.
Here is a sample code:
dim x dim oBook dim iCounter dim oABEntry set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item("System") set oABEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1) if (oABEntry.ObjType = fgwGroup) then iCounter = oABEntry.members.count for x = 1 to iCounter set oMember = oABEntry.members.item(x) msgbox oMember.displayname next end if set oABEntry = nothing set oBook = nothing
Hope this helps.
Advansys Support