/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem / Reply To: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem
Unfortunately Token API only return the plain text format of the subject. ItemGetText() token may be working as designed to return the plain text format of the subject, unless Novell decide to update or add another Token API to return RTF format.
In order to extract the RTF property of the subject, you will need to use the Object API. If you are working with a draft message (which is not yet saved to the message store) then you will need to save the draft message.
The sample code below save the message to Work-Folder (if the message ID “X00”) then use the Object API to access the RTF property.
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim iWIPFolderPath dim oMsg dim iMsgID dim iWIPPath dim iBreakCount ' Get the message ID iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView ' If the draft message then save to WIP otherwise access the message if (iMsgID = "X00") then ' Save the message to WIP call GetWIPFolderPath(groupwise.account.workfolder, iWIPPath) msgbox "Work In Progress folder path: " & iWIPPath Call Groupwise.throwtoken("ItemSaveMessageDraft(""" & iWIPPath & """)", iReturnVal) iBreakCount = 0 while (iMsgID = "Token failed execution!") or (iMsgID = "X00") Application.ProcessMessages utilities.Timer(1) Application.ProcessMessages iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView iBreakCount = iBreakCount + 1 Utilities.Trace iBreakCount & ": " & iMsgID if (iBreakCount > 10) then exit sub end if wend set oMsg = GroupWise.Account.GetMessage(iMsgID) else set oMsg = Client.clientstate.commandmessage end if msgbox "Subject-Plaintext: " & oMsg.subject.plaintext & vbcrlf &_ "Subject-RTF: " & oMsg.subject.RTF End Sub
Hope this helps.
Advansys Support