Support 3

    It appears that we don’t provide any popup menu integrations for the document message type. We haven’t had any request about this integration. I will add this request into our enhancement database for future release. In the meantime, you can use the GroupWise toolbar or run menu integration. The user will need to select a document then press a GroupWise toolbar icon to execute the applet.


    My goal is to create a popup and with it, the user could send a message with the document selected

    I don’t think you can add a message type attachment using Token API. You probably need to use the Object and Token API to add an existing document into a message. Here is some sample code:

      set oMessage = Client.clientstate.commandmessage
      ' Create the message using Object API
      set oDraftMessage = groupwise.account.workfolder.messages.add("GW.MESSAGE.MAIL", fgwDraft)
      ' Add the selected message as an attachment (Object API)
      call oDraftMessage.attachments.add(oMessage, "")
      ' Open the draft message (Token API)
      call groupwise.itemopen(oDraftMessage.messageid, "")
      set oMessage = nothing
      set oDraftMessage = nothing

    Hope this helps.

    Advansys Support