/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Difference between 6.5.4 & 6.5.6 ? / Reply To: Difference between 6.5.4 & 6.5.6 ?
September 4, 2006 at 6:06 pm
The following sample code works fine in GroupWise 6.5.6 (build: 1/02/2006). Can you reproduce the same behaviour in another account?
set oBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.item("Test") iFilterSyntax = "(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS """ & GroupWise.account.owner.emailaddress & """)" set oResults = oBook.addressbookentries.find(iFilterSyntax) for each oEntry in oResults msgbox oEntry.displayname next set oEntry = nothing set oBook = nothing set oResults = nothing
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