Support 1a

    You need to have database access services installed on your PC regardless of whether you are using Formativ or any other development tool. The only example I have is where we use Microsoft’s ADO (Active Data Objects) to access a JET (Access) database:

    sub UpdateAcceptedSupportIssue(iMsg, iEvent, iEngineer)
      dim iADOObj
      dim iRST 
      ' create a new instance of an ADO Connection object 
      set iADOObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
      ' Did we get a handle to the ADO connection  
      if not isobject(iADOObj) then
        call msgbox("Failed to create ADODB.Connection object.", vbCritical, "Support Example")
        ' open the test data source with the Connection object  
        iConnnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & SUPPORT_DATABASE  
        iADOObj.Open iConnnectString
        ' Are we connected to the database?
        if err.number = 0 then
          ' Connected to the database - what do we want to do?  We currently support
          ' accepting a new support incident, and completing (closing) an incident.
          select case iEvent
            ' Accept - Add a new record the SQL database
            case "GW#C#ACCEPT"
              iSQLString = "INSERT INTO Support(Incident,RequestedBy,Subject,ResponsibleEngineer,RequestedDate) VALUES ('"& iMsg.MessageID &"','"& iMsg.FromText& "','"& iMsg.Subject&"','" & iEngineer & "','"&SQLDate(Date)&"')"
            ' Complete (close) - Update the existing record in the SQL database        
            case "GW#C#COMPLETE"
              iSQLString = "UPDATE Support SET CompletedDate='" & SQLDate(Date + 5) & "' WHERE Incident='" & iMsg.MessageID &"'"
          end select 
          ' close and remove the Recordset object from memory  
          set iRST = Nothing  
          msgbox err.description, vbCritical, IDS_CAPTION
        end if
        ' Close and remove the Connection object from memory
      end if   
      set iADOObj = Nothing 
    end sub

    You can learn more about ADO from this link to Microsoft’s web site.

    I hope this helps.

    Advansys Support